Translation of "About’" in German

0.011 sec.

Examples of using "About’" in a sentence and their german translations:

- About what?
- What about?


- Think about it.
- Think about that.
- Think about this.

Denk darüber nach.

- Think about it.
- Think about it!
- Think about that.
- Think about this.
- Think.

- Denk darüber nach.
- Denke darüber nach.
- Überleg es dir!
- Denk doch mal nach!
- Denke!

- Think about it.
- Please think about it.
- Think about it!

- Denk darüber nach.
- Denke darüber nach.
- Überleg es dir!

- Think about it.
- Think about it!

- Denk darüber nach.
- Denke darüber nach.

- What's it about?
- What's that about?

Um was handelt es sich?

- Think about it.
- Think about that.

- Denk darüber nach.
- Denke darüber nach.

- Think about it.
- Think about this.

- Denk darüber nach.
- Denke darüber nach.
- Überleg es dir!

- Let's talk about this.
- Let's talk about that.
- Let's talk about it.
- Let's speak about it.

- Lass uns darüber reden.
- Diskutieren wir.

- We've talked about that.
- We talked about it.
- We've talked about this.
- We've talked about it.

Wir haben darüber gesprochen.

- We've talked about that.
- We talked about it.
- We talked about that.
- We've talked about it.

Wir haben darüber gesprochen.

About what?


About Assad.

konzentrieren müssen als auf Assad.

- What is it about?
- What's it about?

- Worum handelt es sich?
- Worum geht es?
- Worum geht's?
- Wovon handelt es?

- I'm sorry about yesterday.
- Sorry about yesterday.

- Das gestern tut mir leid.
- Es tut mir leid wegen gestern.

- What's this about?
- What is this about?

Um was geht's hier?

- It's about five.
- It's about five o'clock.

Es ist so gegen fünf.

"Did you know about this?" "About what?"

- „Wusstest du davon?“ – „Wovon?“
- „Wussten Sie davon?“ – „Wovon?“

- I've been thinking about it.
- I was thinking about it.
- I thought about it.
- I thought about that.
- I've thought about it.

Ich habe darüber nachgedacht.

- I worry about him.
- I am worried about him.
- I'm worried about him.
- I am worried about her.
- I worry about her.

Ich mache mir Sorgen um ihn.

- Everyone is talking about it.
- Everybody's talking about it.
- Everyone's talking about it.

Alle sprechen darüber.

- He is mad about football.
- He's crazy about soccer.
- He's mad about football.

Er ist verrückt nach Fußball.

- Forget him.
- Forget about her.
- Forget about it.
- Forget about him.
- Forget her.

- Vergiß sie.
- Vergiss sie.

- She is about to leave.
- She's about to leave.
- She's about to go.

Sie ist im Begriff zu gehen.

- I'm worried about her.
- I'm concerned about her.
- I've been concerned about her.

Ich mache mir Sorgen um sie.

- Don't worry about that.
- No, don't worry about it.
- Don't worry about this.

- Mach dir darum keine Sorgen.
- Mach dir deswegen keine Sorgen!

- He is about to leave.
- He's about to leave.
- He's about to go.

- Er ist am Gehen.
- Er ist drauf und dran zu gehen.

- You're right about that one.
- You're right about that.
- You're right about this.

In diesem Fall hast du recht.

- This is not about money.
- This isn't about money.
- It's not about money.

Es geht nicht um Geld.

- I'm not worried about Tom. I'm worried about Mary.
- I'm not worried about you, Tom. I'm worried about Mary.
- I'm not worried about Tom. I'm worried about you, Mary.

- Ich sorge mich nicht um Tom – ich sorge mich um Maria.
- Ich sorge mich nicht um dich, Tom, sondern um Maria.
- Ich sorge mich nicht um Tom, sondern um dich, Maria.

- How about you?
- And you?
- What about you?

- Was ist mit euch?
- Was ist mit Ihnen?

- It's about time.
- It's time.
- It's about time!

- Es ist an der Zeit.
- Es wird auch langsam Zeit!
- Es wird Zeit.
- Es wird langsam Zeit.
- Es ist dann an der Zeit.
- Es ist soweit.
- Es ist dann so weit.

- Tell me about it!
- Tell me about it.

- Wem sagst du das!
- Weiß ich doch schon!

- Don't worry about it!
- Don't worry about it.

Machen Sie sich darüber keine Sorgen.

- Don't forget about me!
- Don't forget about me.

Vergiss mich nicht.

"Please think about it carefully." "Think about what?"

„Denke bitte gut darüber nach!“ — „Worüber denn?“

Talking about music is like dancing about architecture.

Über Musik zu sprechen ist wie über Architektur zu tanzen.

- I worry about him.
- I'm concerned about him.

Ich mache mir Sorgen um ihn.

- I dreamt about you.
- I dreamed about you.

Ich habe von dir geträumt.

- Don't worry about me.
- Don't worry about me!

- Macht euch keine Sorgen um mich.
- Mach dir keine Sorgen um mich.
- Sorg dich nicht um mich.
- Machen Sie sich keine Sorgen um mich.

- I'm thinking about it.
- I'm thinking about that.

- Ich überleg mir das.
- Ich denke darüber nach.

- It's not about money.
- It isn't about money.

Es geht nicht um Geld.

- We'll think about it.
- We'll think about that.

Wir werden darüber nachdenken.

- Please think about it.
- Please think about this.

- Denk bitte darüber nach.
- Überleg es dir, bitte.
- Bitte denk darüber nach.

- I'm concerned about Tom.
- I'm worried about Tom.

Ich mache mir Sorgen um Tom.

- We talked about that.
- We've talked about it.

Wir haben darüber gesprochen.

- I thought about that.
- I've thought about it.

Ich habe darüber nachgedacht.

- I'm delighted about that.
- I'm happy about that.

- Ich bin glücklich darüber.
- Ich freue mich darüber.

- He's about to leave.
- He's about to go.

Er ist drauf und dran zu gehen.

- I thought about you!
- I thought about you.

- Ich habe an dich gedacht.
- Ich habe über dich nachgedacht.

- Don't worry about me.
- Don't trouble about me.

Macht euch keine Sorgen um mich.

- What's this book about?
- What's that book about?

Wovon handelt dieses Buch?

- I'm over the moon about it.
- I'm delighted about it.
- I'm overjoyed about that.
- I'm made up about it.

Darüber bin ich überglücklich.

- Don't worry about it!
- Don't worry about such a thing.
- Don't worry about it.
- Do not worry about it!

Mach dir darüber keine Gedanken!

- What are you talking about?
- What are you talking about!?
- What're you talking about?
- What are you guys talking about?
- What are you speaking about?

- Von was redest du?
- Wovon redest du?
- Wovon sprechen Sie?
- Worüber sprichst du?
- Worüber sprechen Sie?
- Worauf sprechen Sie an?

- What are you talking about?
- What are you talking about!?
- What're you talking about?

- Von was redest du?
- Wovon redest du?
- Worüber sprichst du?
- Worüber sprechen Sie?
- Worauf sprechen Sie an?

- I'll think about it.
- I'm going to think about it.
- I'll think about that.

- Ich werde daran denken.
- Ich werde darüber nachdenken.
- Ich werde das überdenken.
- Ich überleg’s mir.

Every day I learned something about the planet, about the departure, about the journey.

Jeden Tag lernte ich etwas über den Planeten, über den Abschied, über die Reise.

- What are you talking about?
- What're you talking about?
- What are you speaking about?

- Von was redest du?
- Wovon redest du?

- I am not certain about that.
- I'm not sure about this.
- I'm not sure about it.
- I'm not sure about that.
- I'm not certain about that.

- Ich bin mir da nicht sicher.
- Ich bin mir dessen nicht sicher.

What about Sunday?

Was ist mit Sonntag?

How about Monday?

Wie sieht es aus mit Montag?

Think about it

Denk darüber nach

Talked about all

sprach über alles

How about ball

Wie wäre es mit Ball

What about me?

Und ich?

What about us

Was ist mit uns

Think about it.

Denk darüber nach.

Reservations about it.

Vorbehalten dagegen.