Translation of "Tratando" in English

0.010 sec.

Examples of using "Tratando" in a sentence and their english translations:

Estás tratando.

You're trying.

tratando de descifrarlo

trying to decipher it.

tratando de provar inteligencia tratando de dar todo el contenido.

trying to prove that they are smart, trying to get all the content out.

¿Estás tratando de distraerme?

Are you trying to distract me?

Estoy tratando de ayudarlo.

- I am trying to help him.
- I'm trying to help him.

Están tratando de ayudar.

They're trying to help.

Estamos tratando de mejorar.

We're trying to get better.

Estoy tratando de comprenderlo.

I am trying to make it out.

tratando de ser diferente,

trying to be different,

¿Estabas tratando de engañarme?

Were you trying to trick me?

¿Te están tratando bien?

Are they taking good care of you?

tratando de compartir contenido,

trying to share content,

Ahora no están tratando

they're not now just trying

- El perro se está tratando de escapar.
- El perro está tratando de huir.
- El perro se está tratando de arrancar.

The dog is trying to escape.

tratando a miles de pacientes.

treating thousands of patients.

Estamos tratando cada vez más

We are trying more and more

Tom está tratando de renunciar.

Tom is trying to quit.

Te estoy tratando de ayudar.

I'm trying to help you.

Solo estaba tratando de ayudar.

I was just trying to help.

Está tratando de perder peso.

She is trying to lose weight.

Estoy tratando de ser feliz.

I'm trying to be happy.

Estoy tratando de aprender inglés.

I'm trying to learn English.

Tom está tratando de entender.

Tom is trying to understand.

Estás tratando de convertir personas

you're trying to convert people.

De mí tratando de ayudarte.

from me trying to help you out.

- ¿Estará Tom tratando de arruinar nuestra noche?
- ¿Estará Tom tratando de cagar nuestra noche?

Is Tom trying to ruin our evening?

Si estás tratando de salir, sígueme

If you're trying to get out, just follow me

Lo estuve tratando durante seis meses.

I had been treating him for about six months.

Si estás tratando de aprender español

If you're trying to learn Spanish

Claramente están tratando de crecer rápidamente.

are clearly trying to grow up quickly.

Estamos tratando de bloquear esa enzima.

It's this enzyme that we are attempting to block.

Alguien está tratando de destruir Turquía.

Someone is trying to destroy Turkey

¿Por qué estás tratando de bloquear?

why are you trying to block?

Tratando de persuadirlo para este trabajo

Trying to persuade him to this job

Tom sólo está tratando de sobrevivir.

Tom is just trying to survive.

Yo sé con quién estamos tratando.

I know who we're dealing with.

Estoy tratando de mantener el ritmo.

I'm trying to keep up.

Estamos tratando de cerrar la caja.

We are trying to close the box.

tratando de quebrar a tus compañeros

trying to bankrupt your fellow players

Estoy tratando de hablar con ella.

I'm trying to talk to her.

Porque siempre estás tratando de asegurarte

cause you're always trying to make sure

Que alguien está tratando de resolver.

that someone's trying to solve.

- Neil, estoy tratando de comprar

- Neil, I'm trying to buy

Estoy tratando con compañías Fortune 1000.

I'm dealing with Fortune 1000 companies.

tratando de promover los estilos de aprendizaje

trying to promote learning styles,

Me encontré tratando de contactar a Anna,

I found myself trying to reach Anna,

Y tratando de entender qué me pasaba.

trying to figure out what is going on.

Y vemos cosas tratando de imponernos algo

and we see things trying to impose something on us

En el que estamos tratando de investigar.

make some research on.

Él está tratando de dejar de fumar.

He is trying hard to give up smoking.

No entiendo qué estás tratando de decirme.

- Your meaning is beyond me.
- I don't understand what you're trying to say.

- ¿Estás intentando matarme?
- ¿Están tratando de matarme?

Are you trying to kill me?

Hay mucha gente tratando de comprar casas.

There are many people trying to buy houses.

Estamos tratando de tener una discusión seria.

We're trying to have a serious discussion here.

Tom siempre está tratando de ser genial.

Tom is always trying to be cool.

Estoy tratando de contactar con su hermana.

I'm trying to get in touch with her sister.

Y tratando de que no nos maten

and trying not to get ourselves killed.

O, al menos, está tratando de hacerlo.

Or, at least he's trying to.

Sólo estoy tratando de hacer lo cierto.

I'm just trying to do the right thing.

Estoy tratando de pensar en otro plan.

I'm trying to think of another plan.

Solo estoy tratando de encontrar a Tom.

I'm just trying to find Tom.

Me están tratando como a un niño.

- They are treating me like a child.
- They're treating me like a child.

No hagas ruido, estoy tratando de trabajar.

Please don't make so much noise. I'm trying to work.

Tom está tratando de hacer lo imposible.

Tom is trying to do the impossible.

¿Qué estoy haciendo? ¡Estoy tratando de dormir!

What am I doing? I'm trying to sleep!

Por ejemplo, si estás tratando de clasificar

For example, if you're trying to rank

Si estás tratando de hacer que conviertan

If you're trying to get them to convert

él está tratando de comprar una empresa

he's trying to buy out a business

¿Obtienes lo que estaba tratando de hacer?

Do you get what I was trying to do?

Y estás tratando de aumentar tus rankings,

and you're trying to grow your rankings,

tratando de cruzar o a una señora mayor?

or an old lady trying to cross the road:

Estamos tratando de construir este mundo humano-robot

We're trying to build this human-robot world

Estamos tratando de pasar un buen rato aquí.

We are trying to have a good time here

La compañía está tratando de mejorar su imagen.

The company is trying to improve its image.

Estoy tratando de dejar lugar para el postre.

I'm trying to leave a little space for dessert.

Lo pillamos tratando de salir de su cuarto.

We caught him trying to go out of his room.

- Tom está tratando de entender.
- Tom intenta entender.

Tom is trying to understand.

Estoy tratando de plantear mis preguntas en francés.

I am trying to ask my questions in French.

- Solo intentaba ayudar.
- Solo estaba tratando de ayudar.

- I was just trying to be helpful.
- I was just trying to help.

Tom estaba tratando de no entrar en pánico.

Tom was trying not to panic.

No entiendo lo que estás tratando de decir.

- I don't understand what you're trying to say.
- I don't understand what you are trying to say.
- I don't know what you're trying to say.

La policía está tratando de investigar el crimen.

The police is trying to investigate the crime.

Ella está tratando de ahorrar todo lo posible.

She is trying to save as much money as she can.

tratando de descubrir por qué es tan difícil

and speculating why it's so difficult

Restringe tus comentarios al asunto que estamos tratando.

Confine your remarks to the matter we are discussing.

No estoy tratando de privarte de tus derechos.

I'm not trying to deprive you of your rights.