Translation of "Mandaron" in English

0.004 sec.

Examples of using "Mandaron" in a sentence and their english translations:

¿Adónde te mandaron?

Where did they send you?

Mandaron a buscar un doctor.

The doctor was sent for.

Le mandaron a un manicomio.

He was sent to a mental hospital.

Mis padres me mandaron una postal.

My parents sent me a postcard.

Los Schmidt mandaron pintar su casa de blanco.

The Smiths had their house painted white.

Fue entonces cuando mis padres me mandaron a casa.

It was then that my fathers reproof had come home to me.

Mi madre compró un refrigerador y se lo mandaron.

My mother bought a refrigerator and had it delivered.

Mandaron a Tom a la tienda a hacer un recado.

Tom was sent on an errand to the store.

Las Naciones Unidas mandaron tropas para intervenir en el conflicto.

The United Nations sent troops to intervene in the conflict.

Y lo mandaron a Paradise Beach, en el norte de Florida.

And they sent him to Paradise Beach in North Florida.

Y mandaron enviados para pedir paz, disculpándose por iniciar las hostilidades.

and sent envoys to sue for peace, apologizing for initiating the hostilities.

Lo mandaron a la cárcel por todos los crímenes que había cometido.

They sent him to jail for all the crimes he had committed.

Cuando aparecieron las primeras Commodore 64, en la empresa nos mandaron a aprender

When the first Commodore 64 appeared, they made us learn

Me mandaron a aprender este poema de memoria para el fin de semana.

I was told to learn this poem by heart by the end of this week.

Chris tuvo muy buena nota en esos deberes tan difíciles que le mandaron para casa.

Chris got a very nice grade on that difficult homework assignment.

Ahora, este es el testimonio de Juan, cuando los judios de Jerusalen mandaron sacerdotes y Levitos a preguntarle quién era.

- Now, this is John's testimony: Jews of Jerusalem sent priests and Levites to ask him who he was.
- And this is the record of John, when the Jews sent priests and Levites from Jerusalem to ask him, Who art thou?

A veces me preocupa todo lo que dicen sobre la seguridad en el Internet, porque entre mis seguidores hay personas a las que no conozco, pero que he aceptado porque me mandaron un solicitud.

Sometimes I worry about what they say about security on the Internet, because among my followers there are people that I don't know, but that I've added because they sent a request.