Translation of "Ilegal" in English

0.006 sec.

Examples of using "Ilegal" in a sentence and their english translations:

- Eso es ilegal.
- ¡Es ilegal!

- It's illegal!
- That's illegal.
- It's illegal.
- This is illegal.

¡Es ilegal!

- It's illegal!
- It's illegal.

Eso es ilegal.

That's against the law.

- No he hecho nada ilegal.
- No hice nada ilegal.

- I did nothing unlawful.
- I did nothing illegal.
- I didn't do anything illegal.

Portar armas es ilegal.

It's against the law to carry weapons.

Ninguna persona es ilegal.

No one is illegal.

No hice nada ilegal.

- I did nothing illegal.
- I didn't do anything illegal.

Esto debería ser ilegal.

- This should be illegal.
- This should be outlawed.

No hicimos nada ilegal.

We didn't do anything illegal.

Técnicamente eso es ilegal.

It's technically illegal.

- Es ilegal aparcar tu auto aquí.
- Es ilegal estacionar tu auto acá.

It's illegal to park your car here.

Y con este dinero ilegal,

And with this illegal cash,

Lo que hiciste es ilegal.

What you did is illegal.

Tom es un inmigrante ilegal.

Tom is an illegal immigrant.

No estabas haciendo nada ilegal.

You weren't doing anything illegal.

Por supuesto que es ilegal.

Of course, this is illegal.

Este es un procedimiento ilegal.

This is an illegal procedure.

Lo que haces es ilegal.

What you're doing is illegal.

Si esa venta ilegal fuera posible

If that illegal sale was possible

Es ilegal parar el carro ahí.

It is illegal to park a car there.

- Apostar está prohibido.
- Apostar es ilegal.

Gambling is illegal.

No podés hacer eso. Es ilegal.

You can't do that. It's illegal.

Pensé que era ilegal estacionarse aquí.

- I thought it was illegal to park here.
- I thought that it was illegal to park here.

Que a inmigración ilegal se refiere

this matter will

Lo que hizo Tom era ilegal.

What Tom did was illegal.

«¿Es un taxi ilegal?», le pregunté.

- "Is it an illegal taxi?" I ask him.
- "Is that an illegal taxi?" I asked him.

Es ilegal conducir en esta dirección.

It is illegal to drive in this direction.

Esto es ilegal en Corea del Norte.

It's illegal in North Korea.

Lo que él está haciendo es ilegal.

- What he's doing is illegal.
- What he is doing is illegal.

Lo que hizo Tom no era ilegal.

What Tom did wasn't illegal.

Pharamp pagó una multa por estacionamiento ilegal.

Pharamp paid a fine for illegal parking.

¿Crees que el revólver debiera hacerse ilegal?

- Do you think that handguns should be made illegal?
- Do you think handguns should be made illegal?

La explotación forestal ilegal ha disminuido considerablemente.

Illegal logging has decreased considerably.

Es ilegal copiar libros sin permiso del autor.

It is illegal to copy from books without the author's permission.

Yo sospecho que ese es un taxi ilegal.

I am suspicious that this is an illegal taxi.

A un remoto rincón e ilegal de Irak.

to a remote and lawless corner of Iraq.

El presidente Grant no ha hecho nada ilegal.

President Grant had done nothing illegal.

Violando la ley, sí puede no ser ilegal,

breaking the law, yes it may not be illegal,

Hey, esto no es ilegal, estoy de acuerdo.

hey, this is not illegal, I'm for it.

- No hay evidencia de que Tom haya hecho nada ilegal.
- No hay pruebas de que Tom haya hecho nada ilegal.

There's no evidence that Tom has done anything illegal.

Para desbaratar totalmente un programa ilegal de armas nucleares,

to derail an entire illegal nuclear weapons program,

Yo sospecho de que este sea un taxi ilegal.

I am suspicious that this is an illegal taxi.

"Taxi, siga a ese coche." "No puedo, es ilegal."

"Taxi, follow that car!" "I can't, it's illegal."

Siendo gay en un estado donde la homosexualidad era ilegal.

growing up gay in a state where homosexuality was illegal.

Reprimiendo la corrupción y el comercio ilegal con Gran Bretaña.

cracking down on corruption  and illegal trade with Britain.

Óliver descubrió que su nueva novia era una inmigrante ilegal.

- Oliver found out that his new girlfriend is an illegal alien.
- Oliver found out that his new girlfriend is an illegal immigrant.

En Canadá hay muchas áreas donde es ilegal talar árboles.

In Canada, there are many areas where it is illegal to log trees.

Grecia ha declarado ilegal llevarse el dinero fuera del país.

Greece has made it illegal to take money out of the country.

Es ilegal caminar en el pasto, pero ¿qué hay de correr?

It's illegal to walk on the grass, but what about running?

La caza ilegal de tortugas para el consumo todavía está presente.

Illegal turtle hunting for purposes of consumption is still present.

Los gobiernos deben encontrar una solución a la crisis de la inmigración ilegal.

Governments must find a solution to the illegal immigration crisis.

En todos los jardines de mi ciudad es ilegal pisar los macizos de flores.

In all of the gardens in my city it is illegal to trample the flower beds.

Matar elefantes, tigres y otras especies en peligro no solo es cruel, también es ilegal.

Murdering elephants, tigers and other endangered species is not just cruel; it's also illegal.

Es ilegal en Estados Unidos por imposición de ley el usar la tortura para conseguir información.

It is illegal in the United States for law enforcement to use torture to get information.

En los EE.UU., es ilegal torturar a la gente con el fin de obtener información de ellos.

In the U.S., it is illegal to torture people in order to get information from them.

En la mayor parte de los Estados Unidos es ilegal tomar alcohol en la calle o en parques.

Drinking alcohol on the street or in parks is illegal in most of the United States.

La recogida de plantas, rocas, madera petrificada, fósiles, objetos arqueológicos u otros materiales es ilegal en todo el parque.

Collection of plants, rocks, petrified wood, fossils, archeological objects or other materials is illegal anywhere in the park.

El sistema judicial y la prensa de los Estados Unidos son increíbles: Un día eres un pobre ama de casa ejemplar víctima de violación, y el siguiente eres una inmigrante ilegal que ha cometido perjurio y es sospechosa de blanquear dinero proveniente de las drogas.

The US judicial system and press are incredible: One day you're a poor examplary housewife, victim of a rape, the next, you're an illegal immigrant, having committed perjury and being suspected of whitewashing drug money.