Translation of "Heridos" in English

0.005 sec.

Examples of using "Heridos" in a sentence and their english translations:

Estábamos heridos.

We were hurt.

- Hubo tres heridos.
- Tres de ellos resultaron heridos.

- Three were wounded.
- Three were injured.

Todos resultaron heridos.

Everyone was hurt.

Había muchos heridos.

There were many wounded.

- Estábamos heridos.
- Estábamos lastimados.

We were hurt.

Los heridos se están mejorando.

The wounded are getting better.

Los heridos fueron transportados en ambulancia.

The wounded arrived by ambulance.

Alrededor de treinta pobladores resultaron heridos.

About thirty villagers were injured.

Podríamos resultar heridos si hacemos eso.

We might get hurt if we do that.

Los osos heridos normalmente son muy peligrosos.

Wounded bears are usually very dangerous.

Resultaron gravemente heridos en un accidente automovilístico.

They were badly injured in a car accident.

El presidente y su séquito fueron heridos.

The president and his entourage were injured.

Muchos soldados fueron heridos en la batalla.

Many soldiers were wounded in the battle.

Muchos pasajeros resultaron heridos en el accidente.

A lot of passengers were injured in the accident.

A pesar de estar heridos, siguieron peleando.

Though wounded, they continued to fight.

Varios soldados resultaron heridos en la ofensiva.

Several soldiers were injured in the offensive.

Los médicos estuvieron curando a los heridos.

The doctors were treating the wounded.

En los últimos desórdenes hubo varios heridos.

There were several people hurt in the recent riots.

Hubo tres víctimas fatales y varios heridos.

There were three lethal victims and several injured.

Todos los rehenes se liberaron sin salir heridos.

All the hostages were released unharmed.

Había pasajeros heridos, pero el resto estaba a salvo.

Some passengers were injured, but the others were safe.

Las ambulancias llevaron a los heridos al hospital más cercano.

The ambulances carried the injured to the nearest hospital.

Aléjate de animales que parezcan estar enfermos, heridos, o abandonados.

Stay away from animals that appear sick, injured or abandoned.

Y ser vulnerable nos abre las puertas a ser heridos y juzgados

and being vulnerable opens us up to being hurt and being judged.

No menos de cincuenta pasajeros quedaron heridos en el accidente de tránsito.

No less than fifty passengers were injured in the traffic accident.

No menos de cincuenta pasajeros resultaron heridos en ese accidente de tráfico.

Not less than fifty passengers were injured in the traffic accident.

Los heridos fueron llevados al hospital y los muertos a la iglesia.

The injured were carried to the hospital, and the dead to the church.

Fui acusado de provocar un accidente que dejó dos muerto y cuatro heridos.

I was accused of causing an accident that left two dead and four injured.

Las bajas danesas totales se estiman en más de 7000 muertos y 1500 heridos.

Total Danish casualties are estimated at over 7000 killed and 1500 wounded.

Creciendo y han dejado cerca de 100 muertos y cientos de heridos hasta ahora.

to grow and have left about 100 dead and thousands injured so far.

Junto al jefe de artillería del ejército, un joven mayor Bonaparte. Ambos hombres resultaron heridos,

alongside the army’s artillery chief, a  young Major Bonaparte. Both men were wounded,  

¿El tiempo de verdad cura todas las heridas o solo nos acostumbramos a haber sido heridos?

Does time really heal all wounds, or do we just become accustomed to having been wounded?

Después de horas de luchas los otomanos perdieron cerca de 3,000 hombres, mientras otros miles fueron heridos.

After hours of fighting the Ottomans lost about 3000 men, while another several thousand were wounded.

El caos surge en la derecha de Audrehem, mientras los animales heridos o tiran a sus jinetes,

Chaos errupts on Audrehem�s right, as the wounded animals either throw their riders,