Translation of "Fresco" in English

0.011 sec.

Examples of using "Fresco" in a sentence and their english translations:

Está fresco.

It's cool.

Hace fresco.

It's chilly.

- Compré pan fresco.
- He comprado pan fresco.

- I bought fresh bread.
- I bought some fresh bread.

Respiremos aire fresco.

Let's breathe the fresh air.

Hoy hace fresco.

- It's cool today.
- It's a little cold today.

Necesitamos aire fresco.

We need fresh air.

Compré pan fresco.

I bought fresh bread.

Necesito aire fresco.

I need some fresh air.

¡Necesito aire fresco!

I need fresh air.

Porque es fresco.

cause it's fresh.

Es mucho más fresco,

It's much cooler,

Mantente fresco como eres

Stay cool as you are

¿Cómo elijo pescado fresco?

How can I pick out fresh fish?

Quiero comer pescado fresco.

I want to eat fresh fish.

- Está frío.
- Está fresco.

It's cool.

El pan está fresco.

The bread is fresh.

Empieza a hacer fresco.

It's getting chilly.

Sopla un viento fresco.

A chilly wind's blowing

Está un poco fresco hoy.

It's a little cold today.

El pan no es fresco.

- The bread is not fresh.
- The bread isn't fresh.

Me gusta el aire fresco.

I like fresh air.

Ese tipo es muy fresco.

- That guy has a lot of nerve.
- That guy is pretty chill.

El pescado estaba muy fresco.

The fish was very fresh.

¿Por qué estás tan fresco?

- Why are you so insolent?
- Why are you so fresh?

El aire fresco de la tarde estaba lleno del fresco aroma del mar.

The cool evening air was filled with the fresh smell of the sea.

Podemos decir que es fresco, floral,

we can say it's fresh, it's floral,

Es lo más fresco que conseguirán.

That's as fresh as you'll ever get.

Vaya, está mucho más fresco aquí.

Oh wow, it's much cooler down here.

Si falta algo, se compra fresco.

If something is missing, it is bought fresh.

Deja entrar algo de aire fresco.

Let in some fresh air.

Tom salió a tomar aire fresco.

Tom went out for some fresh air.

Este pescado crudo fresco está rico.

This fresh raw fish is delicious.

¿Había pan fresco en la caja?

Was there fresh bread in the box?

Tom salió a respirar aire fresco.

- Tom went out for a breath of fresh air.
- Tom went out for some fresh air.

Sí, este lodo está fresco. Nos servirá.

Yeah, all of this mud is really nice and cool.

Pescado fresco, gran comida para un superviviente.

Fresh fish, really great survivor food.

Y ya se siente mucho más fresco.

You can actually already feel how much cooler it is.

Aire fresco y sol en la cara.

Fresh air, and sunlight on the face.

Que irradia calor y lo mantiene fresco.

radiating heat and keeping him cool.

Quiero respirar un poco de aire fresco.

- I feel like getting some fresh air.
- I want to breathe some fresh air.

Estaba sediento y quería tomar algo fresco.

I was very thirsty and I wanted to drink something cold.

Aún lo tengo fresco en mi memoria.

It is still fresh in my memory.

Por la mañana el aire es fresco.

- The air is fresh in the morning.
- In the morning, the air is cool.

Solo quiero tomar algo de aire fresco.

I just want to get a little fresh air.

Guarde en un lugar fresco y seco.

Store in a cool and dry place.

Abra la ventana y tendrá aire fresco.

Open the window and you'll have fresh air.

Estoy seguro que esto es pescado fresco.

I'm sure that this is a fresh water fish.

Me gusta el aroma del pan fresco.

I like the smell of fresh bread.

Parece que este verano también será fresco.

It seems to be cold again this summer.

A Tom le gusta el aire fresco.

Tom enjoys the fresh air.

El queso fresco es mi comida favorita.

Cottage cheese is my favorite food.

Hoy es un día fresco y lluvioso.

Today is a cool, rainy day.

Ya puedo sentirlo. Ya me siento más fresco.

Oh actually, I can feel that. Look, that's cooler already.

Deje entrar algo de aire fresco, por favor.

Please let in some fresh air.

No hay nada mejor que el aire fresco.

There is nothing like fresh air.

Abrió la ventana para que entre aire fresco.

He opened the window to let in some fresh air.

Estaba fresco en la sombra de los árboles.

It was cool in the shade of the trees.

Estaba fresco bajo la sombra de los árboles.

It was cool in the shade of the trees.

El aire fresco es bueno para la salud.

Fresh air is necessary to good health.

El interior de la casa es muy fresco.

The inside of the house is very cool.

Sobre la autopista soplaba un fresco vientecillo matutino.

A light morning breeze was blowing across the road.