Translation of "Dando" in English

0.011 sec.

Examples of using "Dando" in a sentence and their english translations:

Están dando comerciales.

They're on commercials.

Está dando beneficios récord.

has registered record revenues.

[tambores sonando] Es dando.

To just give.

Estaba dando un paseo.

I was taking a walk.

Me está dando hambre.

I'm getting hungry.

Se están dando demasiado tiempo.

they're giving themselves too much time.

dando vida a mundos pasados.

bringing to life past worlds.

Mi cabeza está dando vueltas.

My head is spinning.

¡Él me está dando patadas!

He kicks me.

¿Qué películas están dando ahora?

- What movies are playing now?
- Which films are showing now?

Tom nos está dando largas.

Tom is stalling for time.

Siempre está dando la lata.

He is always being a nuisance.

Él está dando un paseo.

- He is taking a walk.
- He's out for a walk.
- He walks.

Me estoy dando una ducha.

I am having a shower.

Se están dando pasos gigantes.

giant steps are being taken.

dando forma a nuestro futuro colectivo.

shaping our collective future.

Dibujó una mujer dando a luz

drawn a woman giving birth

Están dando la película K-9.

The movie K-9 is showing.

Estaba dando vueltas por el bosque.

She was wandering in the woods.

Ella se inclinó dando las gracias.

She bowed in thanks.

Tom se está dando un descanso.

- Tom is having a rest.
- Tom is taking a rest.
- Tom's resting.
- Tom is resting.

Te estoy dando plazo hasta mañana.

I'm giving you time until tomorrow.

Solo me estaba dando una ducha.

I was just taking a shower.

Tom está dando su examen final.

Tom is taking his final exam.

Les estoy dando solo algunas ideas

So I’m giving you just some ideas

Entonces Adam me estaba dando consejos.

then Adam was giving me tips.

Él sigue dando información más sorprendente.

He keeps giving more amazing information.

Acabé dando entrevistas para varios diarios, revistas,

I ended up giving interviews to many newspapers, magazines,

Que te está dando una emoción positiva.

that is giving you a positive emotion.

Seguiremos dando vuelta estas piedras más grandes.

Now look, we'll just keep turning over any of these sort of bigger rocks.

No sé si estoy dando mucho crédito,

I don't know if I'd give them that much credit,

Dile que me estoy dando una ducha.

- Tell her that I am taking a bath.
- Tell her that I am taking a shower.

Dile que me estoy dando un baño.

Tell her that I am taking a bath.

Me está dando un poco de hambre.

I'm getting a little hungry.

Ahora Tom se está dando un baño.

Tom is taking a bath now.

Tom te está dando una segunda oportunidad.

Tom is giving you a second chance.

Todos los niños están dando lo mejor.

Each of the children is doing his best.

Tom está dando una paliza a Mary.

Tom is beating up Mary.

Esto me está dando dolor de cabeza.

- This is giving me a headache.
- It's giving me a headache.

Esta historia me está dando mucho miedo.

This story is making me very scared.

Tu arduo trabajo está dando sus frutos.

Your hard work is paying off.

¿Está dando de mamar a su hijo?

Are you breastfeeding your child?

En realidad estaba dando un buen valor,

he was actually giving good value,

Estaba compartiendo mi experiencia y estaba dando algo,

I was taking my experience and I was giving something,

Finalmente terminó dando un giro de 180 grados.

What she ended up doing was turning it all around.

dando la vuelta al planeta cada 90 minutos,

going around the planet every 90 minutes,

Mundanos planos que dicen que está dando vueltas

flat worldists who say it is circling

Ahora los estudios también estaban dando sus frutos.

Now the studies were also bearing fruit

Y va dando zancadas, caminando de forma bípeda.

And off she goes, striding away, walking bipedally.

Ella estaba dando un discurso en el parque.

A girl was making a speech in the park.

Dando vuelta a la derecha, llegará al museo.

Turning to the right, you will come to the museum.

Él está dando vueltas con una mirada expectante.

He wanders around with a searching gaze.

- Me estoy duchando.
- Me estoy dando una ducha.

I am having a shower.

Tom sabía que Mary estaba dando una fiesta.

Tom knew that Mary was throwing a party.

- ¡¡Él está pateándome!!
- ¡Él me está dando patadas!

- He's kicking me!
- He is kicking me!
- He's kicking me.

Le está dando dos manzanas a cada niño.

She's giving each child two apples.

El helicóptero está dando vueltas en el cielo.

The helicopter is circling above.

Tras haber estado dando clase en el pueblo vecino.

after a day of teaching in the nearby village.

¿Será que están dando rienda suelta a esa pregunta,

Are you dealing with this question,

Voy por la vida dando esperanza a las personas,

I go around giving hope to people

En un hotel dando una charla parecida a esta.

in a hotel, giving a talk similar to this one.

Porque algo externo nos está dando felicidad o satisfacción.

because something external is making us happy and satisfied.

Estaba dando una charla sobre "¡Basta de Fiu Fiu!"

I was giving a talk about "Stop Harassment".

Porque estarás dando a cada persona en la audiencia

Because you're going to be giving every person in the audience

De una bailarina que baila, está dando un giro.

of a dancer that's dancing, she's doing a spin.

Finalmente, mi padre terminó dando su brazo a torcer.

Finally, my father compromised.

El perro está dando vueltas alrededor de la mesa.

The dog is walking around the table.

Quiero ver qué está dando ahora en la televisión.

I want to watch what's on TV right now.

- Mi cabeza está dando vueltas.
- Mi cabeza da vueltas.

My head is spinning.

- ¡Él me está dando patadas!
- ¡Él me está pateando!

- He's kicking me!
- He is kicking me!
- He's kicking me.

- ¿Qué película están echando?
- ¿Qué películas están dando ahora?

- What movies are playing now?
- Which films are showing now?
- What films are being shown at the moment?
- What films are on at the moment?

Normalmente, no andamos dando las gracias por estar vivos,

Normally, we don't walk around being appreciative of being alive,

dando lugar a algunas posibilidades que vamos a ver ahora.

leading to some possibilities we’ll see now.

Hoy estas dos figuras siguen dando vueltas por el universo

Today, these two figures are spinning around the universe

Subrayo el "potencialmente" porque estamos dando recién los primeros pasos,

I underscore "potentially" because we truly are taking the first steps,

Les estoy dando la oportunidad de invertir en un idea

I'm giving them an opportunity to invest in an idea

Explicó que estaba dando una vuelta completa alrededor del mundo.

He explained that he was taking a full turn around the world

Ahora nos estamos dando prisa y prepararemos rápidamente la máquina.

We are now hurrying up and will quickly prepare the machine.

¿Escuchas a alguien dando vueltas en la habitación del lado?

- Do you hear someone moving in next room?
- Do you hear someone moving around in the next room?