Translation of "Cabello" in English

0.008 sec.

Examples of using "Cabello" in a sentence and their english translations:

Pero con cabello. * Risas *

but with hair. * Laughs *

Paul tiene cabello seco.

Paul has dry hair.

¿Te cortaste el cabello?

- Did you get a haircut?
- Did you cut your hair?

Quiero lavarme el cabello.

I want to wash my hair.

¿Te secaste el cabello?

Did you dry your hair?

- Ella estaba ocupada arreglándose su cabello.
- Estaba ocupada arreglándose el cabello.

She was busy doing her hair.

Nos dicen que nuestro cabello no crece, que tenemos el cabello hirsuto,

We are told that our hair doesn't grow, and that it's too course.

Mi madre tiene el cabello lacio y yo tengo el cabello rizo.

My mother has straight hair and I have curly hair.

Ella tiene el cabello corto.

She has short hair.

Tengo que arreglar mi cabello.

I've got to fix my hair.

Me gusta el cabello corto.

I like short hair.

Chica, qué hermoso cabello tienes.

Girl, what beautiful hair you have.

No quiero cortarme el cabello.

- I don't want to cut my hair.
- I don't want to get my hair cut.
- I don't want to get a haircut.

¿Su cabello es rojo natural?

Is her hair naturally red?

Ella tiene el cabello seco.

Her hair is dry.

Mary desearía tener cabello liso.

Mary wishes she had straight hair.

¡Mi cabello está muy sucio!

My hair is so dirty!

Tengo que peinarme el cabello.

- I have to comb my hair.
- I have to do my hair.

Mary se recogió el cabello.

- Mary pulled her hair in a bun.
- Mary pulled her hair into a bun.

Mi cabello todavía está mojado.

My hair is still wet.

Mi cabello crece demasiado despacio.

My hair grows too slowly.

Deben tener cabello real, sin extensiones".

must have real hair, no extensions."

Tu cabello se ve realmente descuidado.

Your hair really does look untidy.

Él está comenzando a perder cabello.

He is beginning to lose his hair.

Tom ha empezado a perder cabello.

Tom has started losing his hair.

Me gustaría tener mi cabello recortado.

- I would like to have my hair cut.
- I'd like to have my hair trimmed.

Tienen piel oscura y cabello negro.

- They have brown skin and black hair.
- They have swarthy skin and black hair.

Ella estaba ocupada arreglándose su cabello.

She was busy doing her hair.

¿Hiciste algo nuevo con tu cabello?

Did you do something new with your hair?

Ella tiene el cabello muy corto.

She has very short hair.

Me cortaron el cabello demasiado corto.

They cut my hair too short.

Peina tu cabello antes de salir.

Comb your hair before you go out.

Su largo cabello estaba completamente mojado.

Her long hair was completely wet.

Mary tiene un hermoso cabello oscuro.

Mary has beautiful dark hair.

Ella necesita un corte de cabello.

She needs a haircut.

¿Quieres que te peine el cabello?

Do you want me to comb your hair?

Deja de jugar con tu cabello.

Stop playing with your hair.

Quítame la cinta roja al cabello.

Take the red ribbon from my hair.

El cabello se me está rizando.

You've got bits of hair sticking up.

- Peina tu cabello antes de salir.
- Péinate antes de salir.
- Peinate el cabello antes de salir.

Comb your hair before you go out.

- Deberías cortarte el cabello.
- Te hace falta un corte de cabello.
- Necesitas un corte de pelo.

- You should get your hair cut.
- Your hair wants cutting.
- Your hair needs cutting.
- You need a haircut.

Con más arrugas y el cabello gris,

with a few more wrinkles and grey hair,

El cabello de ese muchacho es negro.

That boy's hair is black.

Ese vestido combina con su cabello pelirrojo.

That dress matches her red hair.

Ella tenía el cabello largo y rubio.

She had long blond hair.

Ella arregló su cabello para la fiesta.

She arranged her hair for the party.

Alguien me robó el secador de cabello.

Somebody has stolen my hair dryer.

El cabello de Susy es muy largo.

Susie's hair is very long.

Casi todos los japoneses tienen cabello oscuro.

Nearly all Japanese have dark hair.

No me gusta para nada mi cabello.

I don't like my hair at all.

El cabello corto le viene muy bien.

Short hair really suits her.

Trabajadores tienen que llevar el cabello corto.

The employees need to keep their hair short.

Me saco una flor de mi cabello,

I pull a flower out of my hair,

Sus ojos y su cabello son oscuros.

He has dark eyes and dark hair.

Te ves bien con el cabello corto.

You look nice with your hair short.

Sabe cómo tiene que peinarse el cabello.

She knows how to comb her hair.

Barbie tiene cabello rubio y ojos azules.

Barbie has blond hair and blue eyes.

Tom lava su cabello sin usar champú.

Tom washes his hair without using shampoo.

El cabello de Tom se ve sucio.

Tom's hair looks dirty.

Sami estaba jalándole del cabello a Layla.

Sami was pulling Layla's hair.

Extensiones de cabello, maquillaje y lápiz labial.

hair extensions, makeup, and lipstick.

Un amigo pregunta o mi cabello es real

a friend is asking or my hair is real