Translation of "Advirtieron" in English

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Examples of using "Advirtieron" in a sentence and their english translations:

Te lo advirtieron.

They warned you.

Ellos le advirtieron al barco acerca del peligro.

- They warned the ship of the danger.
- They warned the ship about the danger.

Los médicos nos advirtieron de un posible riesgo.

Doctors warn us of a possible danger.

- Ellos le advirtieron al barco acerca del peligro.
- Ellos alertaron al barco de un peligro.

They warned the ship about the danger.

- Ellos avisaron al barco del peligro.
- Ellos le advirtieron al barco acerca del peligro.
- Ellos alertaron al barco de un peligro.

- They warned the ship of the danger.
- They warned the ship about the danger.