Translation of "¿va" in English

0.020 sec.

Examples of using "¿va" in a sentence and their english translations:

¡Ella va! - ¿Ella va?

She goes! - She goes?

¡Ella va! ¡Ella va!

She goes! She goes!

- ¿Adónde va ella?
- ¿Dónde va ella?

- Where is he going?
- Where is she going?

- Les va perfectamente.
- Les va bien.

They're doing fine.

- ¿Quién va?
- ¿Quién va a ir?

- Who's going?
- Who'll go?
- Who'll come?

Aquí va.

Here it is.

¿Adónde va?

Where is he going?

¡Ahí va!

There he goes!

- A él le va bien.
- Va bien.

- He is doing well.
- He's all right.
- He's doing well.

El perro va donde va el dueño.

The dog goes wherever his owner goes

- ¿Qué tal te va?
- ¿Cómo estás?
- ¿Qué tal?
- ¿Cómo te va?
- ¿Cómo va?

- How are you doing?
- How have you been?
- How are you?
- How do you do?

- Ella va a huir.
- Ella se va a rajar.
- Ella va a rajarse.

She's going to escape.

"Me va a hablar, me va a hablar".

"He's going to talk to me."

- Mañana va a llover.
- Va a llover mañana.

- It will rain tomorrow.
- Tomorrow it will rain.
- It'll rain tomorrow.

- Va a caer un chaparrón.
- Va a diluviar.

There's going to be a downpour.

- ¿Cómo va el trabajo?
- ¿Cómo va tu trabajo?

How's work going?

Mañana va a hacer mal tiempo. No va a hacer sol, va a nevar y va a hacer frío.

Tomorrow's weather won't be so good, with cloudy skies, heavy snow, and very cold temperatures.

- Nadie va a detenerme.
- Nadie va a pararme.
- No me va a parar nadie.
- No va a pararme nadie.

- No one's going to stop me.
- Nobody's going to stop me.

- Nadie va a pararme.
- Nadie me va a detener.
- Nadie me va a parar.

- No one's going to stop me.
- Nobody's going to stop me.

Esto va allí.

This goes on there.

Esto va aquí.

This goes on there.

Bien, aquí va.

Okay, here goes.

Va a despejarse.

It's going to clear up.

¿Cómo te va?

- How are you doing?
- Are you doing fine?
- How are you?
- How're you doing?

¿Va a llover?

Is it going to rain?

Va a llover.

- It is going to rain.
- It's going to rain.

¿Cómo le va?

How are you getting along?

¿Adónde va, señor?

Where, Sir, are you going to?

Va a caminar.

He will walk.

¿Va todo bien?

Is everything OK?

Va a matarme.

- She's gonna kill me.
- She's going to kill me.

Tom va mejorando.

Tom is improving.

¡Todo va bien!

It's going nicely!

Veremos cómo va.

We'll see how it goes.

¿Va alguien más?

Is anyone else going?

¿Quién va primero?

Who's first?

Va a funcionar.

- That'll work.
- It will work.
- It'll work out.
- It'll work.
- It's going to work.

Me va genial.

I'm doing great.

¿Cómo va todo?

How is everything?

¡Ahí va él!

There he goes!

Todo va bien.

- It's all right.
- Everything is going very well.
- Everything goes well.
- Everything is going fine.
- It's all right!
- Everything is going just fine.
- Everything's going well.

Va a nevar.

It is going to snow.

¿Algo va mal?

Is something wrong?

Va a trabajar.

She will work.

¿Adónde va ella?

- Where is she going?
- Where was she going?

¿Adónde va Tom?

- Where's Tom going?
- Where's Tom headed?
- Where is Tom going?

¿Quién va allí?

Who goes there?

Él no va.

- He's not going.
- He isn't going.

¡Va a explotar!

It's going to blow up!

Hey. ¿Cómo va?

Hey. How's it going?

¿Cómo va eso?

How is that going?

¿Quién va ganando?

Who's winning?

Me va bien.

I'm doing all right.

¿Dónde va ella?

- Where is she going?
- Where's she going?

Va al parque.

He's going to the park.

El argumento va

The argument goes

- Eso no va a funcionar.
- No va a funcionar.

- This won't work.
- This is not going to work.

- ¿Adónde va este tren?
- ¿Hacia dónde va este tren?

- Where is this train bound?
- Where is this train going?
- Where does this train go?
- Where's this train going?

- ¿Qué tal te va?
- ¿Cómo estás?
- ¿Cómo te va?

- How are you doing?
- How're you doing?
- How're you getting on?

- Mary va a probarlo.
- Mary lo va a intentar.

Mary will try it.

- Fadil me va a matar.
- Fadil va a matarme.

Fadil is going to kill me.

- Va camino del aeropuerto.
- Ella va camino del aeropuerto.

She's on her way to the airport.

Mi tráfico va a ir o va a bajar?

are my traffic gonna go up or is it gonna go down?