Translation of "Stoi" in English

0.009 sec.

Examples of using "Stoi" in a sentence and their english translations:

Umowa stoi.

We have a deal.

Umowa stoi?

- Do we have a deal here?
- Deal?

Kto stoi?

Who's standing?

Tom stoi.

Tom is standing.

On wciąż stoi.

He is still standing.

Stoi na górze.

He stands on the mountaintop.

Mój zegarek stoi.

My watch has stopped.

Co tam stoi?

- What does it say?
- What does that say?

Przed budynkiem stoi samochód.

There is a car in front of the building.

On stoi na scenie.

He is standing on the stage.

Ktoś stoi przy bramie.

- Someone is standing at the gate.
- Somebody's standing at the gate.

W pokoju stoi stół.

In the room there is a table.

Tam stoi mój komputer.

There stands my computer.

Tom stoi na głowie.

Tom is standing on his head.

Ten stół stoi krzywo.

This table is at an angle.

Ken stoi na trampolinie.

Ken stands on the diving board.

Na zewnątrz stoi policjant.

- A policeman is outside.
- There's a policeman outside.

Przed ludzkością stoi wiele zadań.

That's... There are many projects for humanity as a whole.

W wazonie stoi czerwona róża.

There is a red rose in the vase.

Kilka dziewczyn stoi za bramą.

Several girls are standing beside the gate.

Jego dom stoi wśród wieżowców.

His house stands by a lot of tall buildings.

Tom stoi z tyłu pokoju.

- Tom is standing in the back of the room.
- Tom is standing at the back of the room.

Tom stoi na środku pokoju.

Tom is standing in the center of the room.

Dziwny człowiek stoi przed drzwiami.

There is a strange man at the door.

Dom pradziadka Toma wciąż stoi.

Tom's great-grandfather's house is still standing.

Co stoi za tą radą?

What's the theory behind this advice?

- To co, zgoda?
- Umowa stoi?

Why don't we shake on it?

Ten zamek stoi w ruinie.

The castle was in disrepair.

Na cmentarzu stoi wiele zniczy.

- There are a lot of graveside candles in the cemetery.
- There are a lot of candles beside the graves in the cemetery.

Nikt nie stoi ponad prawem.

No one is above the law.

- Jesteś pewny, że Tom za tym stoi?
- Jesteś pewna, że Tom za tym stoi?

Are you sure that Tom is behind this?

Widzę go, stoi tam, machając rękami.

[pilot] I can see him, he's standing there waving his arms.

Jak długo ten pociąg tu stoi?

How long does this train stop there?

Jego szkoła stoi na wysokim wzgórzu.

His school stands on a high hill.

Na zewnątrz naszego domu stoi radiowóz.

There is a police car parked outside our house.

Tam na stole stoi butelka wina.

There is a bottle of wine on the table.

- Kto tam jest?
- Kto tam stoi?

Who is standing there?

Proszę zostać tam, gdzie pan stoi.

Stay where you are.

Mój dom stoi obok dużego drzewa.

My house is next to the big tree.

Na środku tego placu stoi studnia.

In the center of the square, there lies a well.

Mój dom stoi obok jej domu.

My house is near her house.

Nieco mniej, jeśli na drodze stoi ściana.

a bit less if there's a wall between.

Jego dom stoi u podnóża góry Fuji.

His house is at the foot of Mt. Fuji.

Na drugiej stronie ulicy stoi biały dom.

Across the street there's a white house.

Muszę się dowiedzieć kto za tym stoi.

I must find out who is behind this.

To urządzenie w tej chwili stoi w bezruchu.

The machine is lying idle.

Nie zdawał sobie sprawy, przed jakim stoi niebezpieczeństwem.

Little did he realize the danger he was facing.

Ktoś, kto wygląda jak Tom, stoi obok bramy.

Someone who looks a lot like Tom is standing near the gate.

Dziewczyna, która tam stoi, to moja siostra Sue.

The girl standing over there is my sister Sue.

Stół stoi krzywo i pewnie zaraz się przewróci.

The table is askew, it's likely going to turn over soon.

- Stanął mi.
- Dostałem wzwodu.
- Stoi mi.
- Mam wzwód.

I've got a boner.

Ten dom, który stoi na wzgórzu jest bardzo stary.

The house which stands on the hill is very old.

- Na stole jest dużo talerzy.
- Na stole stoi dużo naczyń.

There are a lot of dishes on the table.

- Jego łóżko jest pod ścianą.
- Jego łóżko stoi pod ścianą.

His bed is next to the wall.

Ten hotel stoi na wzgórzu, więc roztacza się stamtąd piękny widok.

Standing as it does on the hill the hotel commands a fine view.

- Jej dom jest u podnóża góry.
- Jej dom stoi u stóp góry.

- Her house is at the foot of a mountain.
- Her house is at the foot of the mountain.