Translation of "Mamy" in English

0.010 sec.

Examples of using "Mamy" in a sentence and their english translations:

- Mamy dwoje dzieci.
- Mamy dwójkę dzieci.

- We have two kids.
- We have two children.

Mamy przerębel.

We've got a fishing hole!

Mamy go.

There we go, we got him.

Mamy samolot.

Okay, we've got ourselves a plane.

Mamy helikopter.

We've got ourselves a helicopter.

Mamy wino.

We have wine.

Mamy papieża.

We have a Pope.

Mamy przechlapane.

We're screwed.

Mamy klucz.

We've got the key.

Mamy wypadek.

We've got an emergency.

Mamy łódź.

We've got a boat.

Mamy owoce.

We have fruit.

Mamy 2013.

We're in 2013.

Mamy wiosnę.

It's spring.

Mamy szczęście.

We're fortunate.

Mamy wszystko.

- We have everything.
- We've got everything.

Mamy czas?

Do we have time?

Mamy przesrane?

Are we screwed?

Mamy banany.

We have bananas.

Mamy pecha.

We're unlucky.

Mamy problem.

- We've got a problem.
- We have a problem.

Mamy uprzedzenia.

We're biased.

Mamy dziobaka.

We have a platypus.

Mamy siebie.

We've got each other.

Mamy gości.

- We have guests.
- We have a visitor.
- We have a guest.
- We've got a visitor.

Mamy czas.

- We're available.
- We have time.
- We've got time.

- Nie mamy innego wyjścia.
- Nie mamy wyboru.

- We have no other choice.
- We have no other option.

Mamy Big Maca, mamy hamburgery z serem.

We have Big Macs, we have Quarter Pounders with cheese.

- Mamy dziesięć sztuk bydła.
- Mamy dziesięć krów.

- We have ten cattle.
- We have ten head of cattle.

- Mamy jeszcze dużo czasu.
- Mamy jeszcze mnóstwo czasu.

- We still have plenty of time.
- We still have a lot of time.

A może mamy?

Or do we?

I mamy kolację.

And then we eat tonight.

Mamy przerębel. Sprawdźmy!

We've got a fishing hole. [Bear] Check this out!

Co tu mamy?

What have we got here?

Mamy go, spójrzcie.

There we go, look. Whoo!

Mamy szczęście, prawda?

Great for us, right?

Nie mamy czasu.

- We have no time.
- We've no time.

Mamy danie specjalne.

We have something special for you, sir.

Mamy piękny dzień.

It's a sunny day.

Nie mamy cukru.

- We have no sugar.
- We don't have sugar.
- We don't have any sugar.

Mamy dużo czasu.

We have plenty of time.

Nie mamy herbaty.

We don't have tea.

Mamy potężne narzędzie.

We got a powerful tool.

Mamy mnóstwo czasu.

We have plenty of time.

Ile mamy paliwa?

- How much fuel do we have?
- How much fuel have we got?

Mamy wielu przyjaciół.

- We have a lot of friends.
- We have many friends.

Mamy jutro egzamin.

We have a test tomorrow.

Wszyscy mamy tajemnice.

We all have secrets.

Mamy większe problemy.

We've got bigger problems.

Mamy trzy minuty.

- We have three minutes.
- We've got three minutes.

Mamy trzydzieści minut.

We've got thirty minutes.

Mamy jeszcze godzinę.

We've got an hour left.

Mamy trzy godziny.

- We've got three hours.
- We have three hours.

Mamy tylko godzinę.

We've only got an hour.

Mamy sporo jedzenia.

We've got plenty of food.

Mamy drobny wypadek.

We've got a little emergency.

Nie mamy wyboru.

We've got no choice.

Mamy wspólnych znajomych.

We have mutual friends.

Mamy chronić Tom'a.

We're supposed to be protecting Tom.

Mamy trzy samoloty.

- We have three airplanes.
- We have three planes.

Nie mamy owiec.

We don't have any sheep.

Mamy wolny czas.

We have time to spare.

Mamy trójkę dzieci.

- We have three children.
- We have three kids.

Mamy więc tu

So what we have is just

Mamy tylko herbatę.

We only have tea.

Ile mamy misek?

How many bowls do we have?

Mamy jeszcze czas.

- We still have more time.
- We still have time.

Mamy dwójkę dzieci.

We have two children.

Gdzie mamy iść?

- Where should we go?
- Where do we need to go?

Nie mamy pieniędzy.

We don't have any money.

Nie mamy dowodów.

- We don't have any proof.
- We have no proof.

Nie mamy problemu.

We don't have a problem.

Chyba mamy problem.

I think we've got a problem.

Mamy problem, Tom.

We have a problem, Tom.

Nie mamy szans.

- We don't have a chance.
- We have no chance.

Nie mamy córki.

We don't have a daughter.

Mamy wspólnego przyjaciela.

We have a mutual friend.

Mamy naruszenie bezpieczeństwa.

We have a security breach.

Mamy dużego psa.

- We are keeping a big dog.
- We have a big dog.

Mamy czworokątny stół.

We have a square table.

Mamy zdolność pamiętania.

We have the ability to remember.

Mamy białego kota.

We have a white cat.

My mamy zaletę.

That was the advantage.

Nie mamy sanek.

We don't have a toboggan.

Mamy dwie córki.

We have two daughters.

Zawsze mamy rację.

We're always right.