Translation of "Byli" in English

0.013 sec.

Examples of using "Byli" in a sentence and their english translations:

- Byli głodni.
- Oni byli głodni.

They were hungry.

Mimo że byli biedni, byli szczęśliwi.

Even though they were poor, they were happy.

Byli zajęci.

They were busy.

Byli zakochani.

They were in love.

Byli chorzy.

They were sick.

Byli wspaniali.

They were amazing.

Byli żołnierzami.

They were soldiers.

Byli słabi.

They were weak.

Byli wszędzie.

They were everywhere.

Byli zaręczeni.

They were engaged.

Byli zszokowani.

They were shocked.

Byli martwi.

They were dead.

- Inkowie byli bardzo pobożni.
- Inkowie byli religijnym narodem.

- The Inca were religious people.
- The Inca were a religious people.

Ludzie byli przerażeni.

People were filled with fright.

Wszyscy byli zadowoleni.

- All were satisfied.
- Everyone was satisfied.

Byli podekscytowani meczem.

They were excited at the game.

Chłopcy byli cicho.

The boys kept quiet.

Pierwotnie byli rolnikami.

- Originally they were farmers.
- They were originally farmers.

Wszyscy byli szczęśliwi.

- All were happy.
- Everyone was happy.
- Everybody was happy.

Byli tam chwilę.

They've been there for a while.

Oboje byli nieprzytomni.

Both were unconscious.

Oboje byli odurzeni.

Both were intoxicated.

Byli tu wczoraj.

They were here yesterday.

Gdzie oni byli?

Where were they?

Wszędzie byli strażacy.

There were firemen everywhere.

Wszyscy byli przestraszeni.

Everybody was anxious.

Wszyscy tam byli.

- Everyone was there.
- Everyone has been there.

Czy byli świadkowie?

Were there any witnesses?

Powinniśmy byli iść.

We should go.

Wszyscy byli głodni.

Everyone was hungry.

Moi wydawcy byli zadowoleni:

My publishers were so happy,

Byli obywatelami Unii Europejskiej.

They were EU citizens.

Zawsze byli dobrymi przyjaciółmi.

They remained good friends.

Byli kompanami w podróży.

They were companions on the journey.

Byli zmuszeni odłożyć wyjazd.

They were compelled to postpone their departure.

Byli przebrani za klaunów.

They were all done up like clowns.

Byli zaniepokojeni tą wiadomością.

They were alarmed at the news.

Byli zadowoleni z wyniku.

They were satisfied with the result.

Wszyscy członkowie byli obecni.

All the members were present.

Moi rodzice byli wściekli.

My parents were furious.

Obecni ludzie byli zaskoczeni.

The people present were surprised.

Powinniśmy byli przyjść wcześniej.

- We should have come earlier.
- We should've come earlier.

Kibice byli podekscytowani meczem.

The audience was excited at the game.

Pragniemy, by byli bezpieczni.

We are anxious for their safety.

Obaj bracia byli nieobecni.

Both the brothers were out.

Byli obecni na wykładzie.

They attended the lecture.

Powinniśmy byli bardziej uważać.

- We should have been more careful.
- We should've been more careful.

Byli sami w bibliotece.

They were alone in the library.

Byli w niekorzystnej sytuacji.

They were disadvantaged.

- Byli zmęczeni.
- Były zmęczone.

They were tired.

Oni byli tacy różni.

They were so different.

Czy oni tu byli?

Were they here?

Może byli zbyt pewni siebie.

Perhaps they were overconfident.

Cezarianie, którzy byli na straży.

Caesarians who were on guard.

Żołnierze byli wyposażeni w broń.

The soldiers were equipped with weapons.

Obaj nie byli na zebraniu.

Both of them were not present at the meeting.

Byli tacy, co ich żałowali.

Some pitied them.

Byli spokojni w obliczu katastrofy.

They were calm in the face of disaster.

Byli odpowiedzialni za ten wypadek.

They were responsible for the accident.

Wszyscy byli bardzo dobrze ubrani.

Everybody was very well dressed.

Wszyscy oprócz Toma byli zszokowani.

Everyone was shocked except Tom.

Nie wszyscy studenci byli obecni.

Not all the students were present.

Prawie wszyscy byli na czas.

Almost everyone arrived on time.

Pablo i Maria byli tutaj.

Pablo and María were here.

Byli tam trzy dni wcześniej.

They had gone there two days before.

Wszyscy gracze byli na miejscach.

All the players were in position.

Do teraz byli dobrymi sąsiadami.

They have been good neighbors to this day.

Choć byli ranni, walczyli dalej.

Though wounded, they continued to fight.

Tom i Mary byli przyjaciółmi.

Tom and Mary were friends.

Sześć miesięcy później byli małżeństwem.

Six months later, they were married.

Na tych okrętach byli żołnierze.

There were soldiers on these ships.

Wszyscy ubrani byli w mundury.

They were all dressed in uniforms.

Robotnicy byli nadzy do pasa.

The workers were naked to the waist.

Płynący byli nieczuli ze zmarznięcia.

The swimmers were numb with cold.

Wszyscy dorośli byli kiedyś dziećmi.

All grown-ups were once children.

Sami i Layla byli rozwiedzeni.

Sami and Layla were divorced.

Wszyscy byli ubrani na czarno.

Everyone was dressed in black.

Stojący wokół ludzie byli mi obcy.

The people standing around were all strangers.

Powinniśmy byli wziąć harmonogram pod uwagę.

- We should have taken the schedule into consideration.
- We should've taken the schedule into consideration.

Byli przygnębieni wieścią o jego śmierci.

They were very saddened to hear of his death.

Mieszkańcy wioski byli uprzedzeni do nowego.

The villagers had a bias against any newcomer.

Ludzie na całym świecie byli zszokowani.

The whole Earth was shocked.

Siedzieli spokojnie, jakby byli oczarowani muzyką.

They sat still as if they were charmed by the music.

Czy oni byli wczoraj w bibliotece?

Were they in the library yesterday?