Translation of "좋아하죠" in English

0.004 sec.

Examples of using "좋아하죠" in a sentence and their english translations:

‎육식을 좋아하죠

He has a taste for meat.

국세청은 그런 사람들을 좋아하죠.

Yeah, IRS just loves them ...

‎오히려 양서류처럼 ‎다니기를 좋아하죠

I want to be more like an amphibious animal.

세일링 보트를 디자인하는 것도 좋아하죠.

I actually also love designing sailing boats.

전갈은 덤불이나 돌 밑에 숨기를 좋아하죠

And scorpions always love little bushes and hiding under rocks.

사람들은 믿을 수 없는 이야기를 믿기를 좋아하죠.

People like to believe the unbelievable.

끝없이 무작위적이라 저 같은 기억력 선수들은 좋아하죠.

so memory athletes, like me, love it because it’s endlessly random.

사람들은 그보다 훨씬 달콤한 팝송 듣기를 더 좋아하죠.

and we'd rather have our high fructose pop song.