Translation of "Anging" in English

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Examples of using "Anging" in a sentence and their english translations:

Das ganze Büro war beeindruckt davon, wie Tom das Problem anging.

- Everyone in the office was impressed with the way Tom handled the problem.
- Everybody in the office was impressed with the way Tom handled the problem.

anging. Ich weiß, dass ich immenses Glück  hatte, dass wir das hingekriegt haben,  

I know I was immensely lucky that we were able to pull this off,

Was die zwischenmenschliche Beziehung anging, ich will jetzt nicht sagen runtergesoffen sagen, aber  

as far as the interpersonal relationships were concerned, I don't want to say boozed down now, but

„Warum hast du mir denn das nicht gesagt?“ – „Weil es dich nichts anging.“

"Why didn't you tell me?" "Because it was none of your business."

- Hinsichtlich der Lösung des Problems waren wir unterschiedlicher Meinung.
- Wir waren unterschiedlicher Meinung, was die Lösung des Problems anging.

We differed as to the solution to the problem.

So also hielten der Zar und die schöne Vasilissa Hochzeit, und Vasilissas Vater kehrte aus dem weit entlegenen Zarenreich zurück, und er und die alte Frau lebten glücklich und zufrieden bei Vasilissa in dem prächtigen Palast. Was nun aber die kleine hölzerne Puppe anging, so trug Vasilissa diese, so lange sie lebte, in der Tasche immer bei sich.

So the Tsar and Vasilissa the Beautiful were married, and her father returned from the far-distant Tsardom, and he and the old woman lived always with her in the splendid Palace, in all joy and contentment. And as for the little wooden doll, she carried it about with her in her pocket all her life long.