Translation of "Taken " in Spanish

0.009 sec.

Examples of using "Taken " in a sentence and their spanish translations:

- That seat is taken.
- This seat is taken.

- Ese asiento está ocupado.
- Este lugar está ocupado.
- Este asiento está ocupado.

Everything was taken.

Se llevaron todo.

You've taken everything.

Has tomado todo.

- Let's get our photograph taken.
- Let's have our picture taken.
- Let's have a picture taken.

Vamos a pedir que nos hagan una foto.

- Let's get our photograph taken.
- Let's have our picture taken.

Vamos a pedir que nos hagan una foto.

- I've taken care of it.
- I've taken care of that.

Me ocupé de eso.

Had taken it apart,

la había desarmado,

Be taken for him.

tomado por él.

They were taken prisoner.

Ellos fueron tomados prisioneros.

That seat is taken.

Ese asiento está ocupado.

I was taken aback.

Me quedé desconcertado.

Tom seemed taken aback.

Tom parece haberse sorprendido.

This seat is taken.

- Esta silla está ocupada.
- Este asiento está ocupado.

I've never taken drugs.

Nunca usé drogas.

Is this seat taken?

¿Está libre este puesto?

Tom was taken prisoner.

Tom fue tomado prisionero.

You were taken hostage.

Fuiste tomado rehén.

- I should have taken the money.
- I should've taken the money.

Debí haber tomado el dinero.

- I have taken everything into consideration.
- I've taken everything into consideration.

Tomé todo en consideración.

- Excuse me, is this seat taken?
- Excuse me. Is this seat taken?

Disculpe, ¿este asiento está ocupado?

- Tom was taken to the hospital.
- Tom has been taken to the hospital.
- Tom has been taken to a hospital.

Llevaron a Tom a un hospital.

You are taken into account,

te tienen en cuenta,

We've taken globalization for granted,

No hemos valorado la globalización lo suficiente,

He was taken to court,

Le llevaron a la corte,

Because decisions are taken jointly

Porque las decisiones se toman conjuntamente

When these photos were taken,

Cuando se tomaron estas fotos,

Who has taken my handbag?

¿Quién ha tomado mi bolso?

They have taken her away.

Ellos se la han llevado.

Where were those pictures taken?

¿Dónde fueron sacadas esas fotos?

Have you taken your temperature?

¿Te has tomado la temperatura?

Where was this picture taken?

¿Dónde se tomó esta foto?

I have taken my medication.

Me he tomado la medicación.

I've taken the first step.

He dado el primer paso.

Let's get our photograph taken.

Vamos a pedir que nos hagan una foto.

I was taken advantage of.

Se aprovecharon de mí.

You've taken a big risk.

Has corrido un gran riesgo.

Tom was taken by surprise.

A Tom lo tomaron por sorpresa.

I had my photograph taken.

Me fotografié.

All the benches are taken.

Todos los bancos están ocupados.

Have you taken a bath?

- ¿Has tomado un baño?
- ¿Ha tomado un baño?

I've been taken by surprise.

Me he quedado a cuadros.

The curtains were taken down.

Quitaron las cortinas.

You've just taken a shower.

Acabas de ducharte.

Giant steps are being taken.

Se están dando pasos gigantes.

That a transformation has taken place.

ha tenido lugar una transformación.

That I've taken over the years.

que he tomado durante años.

Is slowly being taken from you,

te lo están quitando poco a poco,

I would not be taken seriously.

no me iban a tomar en serio.

Oh, they've been taken down stream

Se la llevó la corriente.

You've often taken really surprising stances

A menudo has adoptado posturas realmente sorprendentes

Balalaika was taken without Kemal Sunal

balalaika fue tomada sin Kemal Sunal

Gaza too was taken by siege.

Gaza también fue asediada.

It had all been taken away.

también me lo arrebataron.

You were taken in by her.

Ella te ha tomado el pelo.

Have you taken your medicine yet?

- ¿Ya te has tomado la medicina?
- ¿Ya te has tomado tu remedio?

You needn't have taken a taxi.

No era necesario que tomaras un taxi.

She was taken to hospital unconscious.

La llevaron inconsciente hasta el hospital.

He admitted he had taken bribes.

Él admitió que había aceptado sobornos.

He had taken care of himself.

Él se había cuidado.

He should have taken the examination.

Él debería haber hecho el examen.

Tom was taken to the hospital.

Llevaron a Tom a un hospital.

Sit down, the place isn't taken.

Siéntate, el asiento no está ocupado.

We should have taken his advice.

Deberíamos haber seguido su consejo.

The plane has just taken off.

El avión acaba de despegar.

Our land is being taken over.

Se están apoderando de nuestra tierra.

Pardon me, is that seat taken?

Disculpe, ¿ese asiento está ocupado?

Have you ever taken a vacation?

¿Alguna vez has tomado unas vacaciones?

The suspect was taken into custody.

El sospechoso fue puesto bajo custodia.

If I'd only taken your advice!

¡Ojalá hubiese seguido tu consejo!

She was taken ill on holiday.

- Él se puso enfermo durante las vacaciones.
- Ella se puso enferma durante las vacaciones.

Troia was taken by the greeks.

Troya fue tomada por los griegos.

He has taken on bad ways.

Él estaba imbuido de maldad.

I should have taken the money.

Debí haber tomado el dinero.

The plane still hasn't taken off.

El avión todavía no ha despegado.

This photo was taken in Nara.

Esta foto fue tomada en Nara.

Martians have taken over the earth.

Los marcianos se han apoderado de la Tierra.

- Tom's surprised.
- Tom was taken aback.

Tom quedó sorprendido.

She has taken everything from me.

Ella me ha quitado todo.

Where were these pictures taken at?

¿Dónde fueron tomadas estas fotos?

I wish I'd taken more pictures.

- Debería haber hecho más fotos.
- Ojalá hubiera sacado más fotografías.