Translation of "Potable" in Spanish

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Examples of using "Potable" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

We had no potable water.

No teníamos agua potable.

- The water is not fit to drink.
- The water is not potable.

El agua no es apta para beberse.

- The green water is not suitable for drinking.
- The green water is not potable.

El agua verde no es buena para beber.

- We had no water to drink.
- We had no drinking water.
- We had no potable water.

No teníamos agua potable.

- The water is not fit to drink.
- The water is not potable.
- The water is not drinkable.

El agua no es apta para beberse.

Tobacco, divine, rare, superexcellent tobacco, which goes far beyond all the panaceas, potable gold, and philosopher's stones, a sovereign remedy to all diseases...but as it is commonly abused by most men, which take it as tinkers do ale, 'tis a plague, a mischief, a violent purger of goods, lands, health, hellish, devilish and damned tobacco, the ruin and overthrow of body and soul.

Tabaco, divino, exótico, súper-excelente tabaco, que vas más allá de todas las panaceas, oro potable, y piedra filosofal, un soberano remedio a todos los males... pero como es tan comúnmente abusado por la mayoría de los hombres, que lo toman como hojalateros la cerveza, éste es una plaga, malicia, un violento desolador de bienes, tierras, salud, infernal y demoníaco tabaco, la ruina y derrota del cuerpo y alma.