Translation of "Own " in Spanish

0.009 sec.

Examples of using "Own " in a sentence and their spanish translations:

Own account.

de Caesar.

Own devising.


"My own garden is my own garden!"

"¡Mi jardín es mi jardín!"

I hope to own my own house someday.

Espero tener mi propia casa algún día.

- Mind your own business!
- Mind your own business.

- ¡Métete en tus asuntos!
- ¡Meteos en vuestros asuntos!
- No metas tu nariz en los asuntos de los demás.
- ¡Metete en tus cosas!

- He's his own boss.
- She's her own boss.

Él es su propio jefe.

Own the busy.

Dominen el estrés.

And my own,

y mi historia personal

Other Turks own

otros turcos poseen

Your own voice.

tu propia voz.

They own that land, and they own that city.

Son dueños de esa tierra y de esa ciudad.

- You are your own boss.
- You're your own boss.

- Eres tu propio jefe.
- Eres tu propia jefa.

- I've got my own problems.
- I have my own problems.
- I've got problems of my own.

Tengo mis propios problemas.

So, I'd make my own inventions and my own toys.

Así que hacía mis propios inventos y juguetes.

- I washed my own shirts.
- I washed my own shirt.

Lavé mi camiseta.

- Tom has his own bedroom.
- Tom has his own room.

Tom tiene su propio dormitorio.

- I've got my own problems.
- I have my own problems.

Tengo mis propios problemas.

- She makes her own clothes.
- He makes his own clothes.

Ella se hace su propia ropa.

- Nobody is his own enemy.
- Nobody is their own enemy.

Nadie es su propio enemigo.

Carve your own niche.

talla tu propia casa.

To our own detriment.

en nuestro propio detrimento.

And my own experience.

y de mi propia experiencia.

Find their own answers.

a encontrar sus propias respuestas.

At my own company.

de mi propia empresa.

In our own disappearance.

de nuestra propia desaparición.

Mind your own business!

¡Métete en tus asuntos!

I own this sentence.

Poseo esta frase.

I own one cat.

Poseo un gato.

He's his own boss.

Él es su propio jefe.

She's her own boss.

Ella es su propia jefa.

I'm my own boss.

Soy mi propio jefe.

I own a computer.

Tengo una computadora.

We own this property.

Esta propiedad nos pertenece.

It's your own fault.

Ha sido por tu culpa.

Decision by his own?

decisiones de forma unilateral?

To each his own.

A cada cual lo que se merece.

But on my own.

pero por mi cuenta

Mind your own business.

No metas tu nariz en los asuntos de los demás.

I own a yacht.

Yo soy dueño de un yate.

I own this property.

Me pertenece esta propiedad.

I own this car.

Tengo este auto.

Draw your own conclusions.

Saca tus propias conclusiones.

I'm on my own.

Estoy por mi cuenta.

I own two books.

Tengo dos libros.

I own a horse.

Poseo un caballo.

Creating your own business.

creando su propio negocio

Your own business website.

en el sitio web de tu propio negocio.

You start thinking about your own death and your own vulnerability,

Empecé a pensar en mi propia muerte y en mi propia vulnerabilidad.

- He is digging his own grave.
- He's digging his own grave.

Él está cavando su propia tumba.

- We're on our own.
- We're alone.
- We are on our own.

Estamos solos.

- To each his own.
- To each their own.
- You do you.

A cada uno lo suyo.

- She is like my own child.
- She's like my own daughter.

Ella es como mi propia hija.

- Tom has got his own problems.
- Tom has his own problems.

Tomás tiene sus propios problemas.

- Estonia has its own national anthem.
- Estonia has its own hymn.

Estonia tiene su propio himno nacional.

They discover their own range, and expand it in their own mind.

descubren su propio rango y expanden su propia mente.

- Each child has his own room.
- Each boy has his own room.

Cada niño tiene su propio cuarto.

- Sweden has a language of its own.
- Sweden has its own language.

Suecia tiene su propia lengua.

- I want to have my own room.
- I want my own room.

- Quiero tener mi propia habitación.
- Quiero una habitación propia.
- Quiero mi propia habitación.

- Everyone paid for his own meal.
- Everyone paid for their own meal.

Cada cual pagó su comida.

- Every master has his own method.
- Every master has his own trick.

- Cada maestrillo tiene su librillo.
- Todo maestro tiene su propio truco.

- He has a house of his own.
- He owns his own house.

Él tiene una casa propia.

- Do you have your own flat?
- Do you have your own apartment?

¿Tienes tu propio departamento?

And having your own voice.

y tener una voz propia.

Here, we own a responsibility

Aquí tenemos la responsabilidad

And “create your own reality,"

y "crea tu propia realidad"

Second, acknowledge your own fallibility.

Segundo, reconozcan su propia falibilidad.

Happening inside our own brains.

que ocurren dentro de nuestro propio cerebro.

My own lack of knowledge.

de la ignorancia.

Is essentially our own fault.

es esencialmente nuestra culpa.

Even shooting their own porn

incluso filmando su propia porno

In the hotel's own bakery

en la propia panadería del hotel

And make something very own.

y hacer algo muy propio.

Each has his own taste.

- Cada uno tiene su propio gusto.
- Cada uno tiene sus propios gustos.