Translation of "Distorted" in Spanish

0.003 sec.

Examples of using "Distorted" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

Some newspapers distorted the news.

Algunos periódicos distorsionaron las noticias.

He has distorted my speech.

Él tergiversó lo que dije.

My perspective on aging, was distorted.

mi imagen de la vejez, estaba distorsionada.

Giacometti produced these distorted bodily images -

Giacometti creaba estas figuras humanas distorsionadas

Because of a warped and distorted ideology;

debido a una ideología deforme y distorsionada;

The most dangerous untruths are truths moderately distorted.

Las falsedades más peligrosas son las verdades ligeramente deformadas.

But today, that intention has been distorted beyond recognition.

Pero hoy esa intención resulta imposible de reconocer.

Like it's being stretched or distorted in some curious way.

se estirara o distorsionara de manera curiosa.

But they distorted her shape from a slimmer to a more plump body.

pero distorsionaron su figura de más delgada a más rellenita.