Translation of "Convincing  " in Spanish

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Examples of using "Convincing  " in a sentence and their spanish translations:

Good luck convincing him.

Buena suerte con convencerlo.

Good luck convincing her.

Buena suerte con convencerla.

That explanation sounds convincing.

Esa explicación suena convincente.

That's a very convincing argument.

Ese es un argumento muy convincente.

It's Tom who needs convincing.

Tom es el que necesita que lo convenzan.

Her explanation is a little convincing.

Su explicación es poco convincente.

I had trouble convincing Tom to help.

- Tuve problemas de convencerle a Tom que ayudara.
- Tuve problemas convenciendo a Tom que ayudara.

That seems more convincing than any compulsory vaccination.

Eso parece más convincente que cualquier vacunación obligatoria.

What is convincing is the great quality of craftsmanship

Lo que convence es la gran calidad de la artesanía

Convincing Tom to do the right thing was hard.

Convencer a Tom de hacer lo correcto fue difícil.

I had difficulty convincing her of the dangers of smoking.

Me costó convencerla de los peligros de fumar.

Arguments are to be avoided: they are always vulgar and often convincing.

Las discusiones deben ser evitadas: son siempre vulgares y a menudo convincentes.

You'll be surprised at how much more convincing and official you'll sound

les sorprenderá cómo suenan más convincentes y oficiales

- Tom is very persuasive, isn't he?
- Tom is very convincing, isn't he?

Tom es muy convincente, ¿verdad?

My wife has given up all hope of convincing me to mow the lawn today.

Mi esposa ha abandonado toda esperanza de convencerme a cortar el pasto hoy.

Despite the fact they set their heart on convincing him, he maintained his opposition to the project.

A pesar del empeño que pusieron en convencerlo, mantuvo su oposición al proyecto.

Advertising is the art of convincing people to spend money they don't have for something they don't need.

La publicidad es el arte de convencer a la gente a gastar dinero que no tienen para algo que no necesitan.

The real reminiscences seemed to be an illusion while the false ones were so convincing that could replace the reality.

Los recuerdos verdaderos parecían fantasmas, mientras los falsos eran tan convincentes que sustituían a la realidad.