Translation of "“he" in Spanish

0.010 sec.

Examples of using "“he" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

He isn't who he says he is.

Él no es quien dice ser.

- He thinks he knows everything.
- He thinks he knows it all.
- He thinks that he knows everything.

- Él piensa que lo sabe todo.
- Él cree que lo sabe todo.

He believes he will

Él cree que lo hará

- He smiled.
- He smirked.


- He saw that he was wrong.
- He saw he was wrong.

Vio que estaba equivocado.

- He said that he loved me.
- He said he loved me.

Dijo que me amaba.

- He said he would come.
- He said he would have come.

Él dijo que habría venido.

- He said that he was hungry.
- He said he was hungry.

Él dijo que tenía hambre.

- He thinks he knows everything.
- He thinks he knows it all.

- Él piensa que lo sabe todo.
- Él cree que lo sabe todo.
- Él cree saberlo todo.

- He said that he felt hated.
- He said he felt hated.

Dijo que se sentía odiado.

- He said he was poor.
- He said that he was poor.

Él dijo que era pobre.

- He said he was busy.
- He said that he was busy.

Dijo que estaba ocupado.

- He said he would come.
- He said he would have come.
- He said that he would come.
- He said that he'd come.
- He said he'd come.

Él dijo que habría venido.

- He gave in.
- He gave up.
- He surrendered.

- Él se rindió.
- Él se dio por vencido.
- Se rindió.
- Se dio por vencido.

He sees. It's water. He laughs. He dives.

Ve. Es agua. Ríe. Se zambulle.

He did as he said he would do.

Hizo lo que dijo que haría.

- He replied that he did not know.
- He said that he didn't know.
- He said that he doesn't know.

Él respondió que no lo sabía.

- He maintained that he was innocent.
- He insisted that he was innocent.

Él sostenía que era inocente.

- He confessed that he was guilty.
- He admitted that he was guilty.

Él confesó que era culpable.

- He says he won't come.
- He says that he won't be coming.

Él dice que no va a venir.

- He tried, and he got it.
- He tried, and he did it.

Se esforzó y lo consiguió.

- He said that he was really upset.
- He said he was frustrated.

Dijo que estaba frustrado.

- He said he would come and he did come.
- He said he'd come and he did.

Dijo que vendría y vino.

- He talks as if he knew everything.
- He speaks as if he knew everything.
- He speaks as though he knew everything.
- He talks as though he knew everything.
- He talks as if he knows everything.

- Habla como si supiera de todo.
- Él habla como si lo supiera todo.
- Habla como si lo supiera todo.
- Él habla como si supiera todo.

He thought he was 23.

Pensaba que tenía 23.

He says he saw methane.

Dice que vio metano.

He won't come, will he?

Él no vendrá, ¿verdad?

He said he was busy.

Él dijo estar ocupado.

- Who is he?
- Who's he?

¿Quién es él?

- He ran.
- He was running.

Él corrió.

He said he should go.

Dije que él debería ir.

He said he was poor.

Él dijo que era pobre.

- He is running.
- He runs.

- Él corre.
- Él está corriendo.

- He walked away.
- He left.

Él se fue.

- He was speaking.
- He spoke.

Él habló.

He says he won't come.

Él dice que no va a venir.

He regrets what he did.

- Se arrepiente de lo que hizo.
- Lamenta lo que hizo.

He lost everything he owned.

Él perdió todo cuanto poseía.

He isn't here, is he?

Él no está aquí, ¿verdad?

- He smells bad.
- He stinks.

Él huele mal.

He got what he wanted.

Obtuvo lo que quería.

- He blushed.
- He turned red.

- Él se sonrojó.
- Él se puso rojo.

He wrote like he spoke.

Escribía como hablaba.

He says he likes flowers.

- Dice que le encantan las flores.
- Dice que le gustan las flores.

He thinks he knows everything.

- Él piensa que lo sabe todo.
- Él cree que lo sabe todo.

He whistled as he walked.

Él silbaba mientras caminaba.

- He made it.
- He succeeded.

- Lo consiguió.
- Lo logró.

He says he will come.

Dice que vendrá.

He said he would come.

Él dijo que vendría.

He saves what he earns.

Él ahorra lo que gana.

- He began.
- He started it.

Él empezó.

- He was sleeping.
- He slept.

Él durmió.

- He was crying.
- He cried.

- Él estaba llorando.
- Él lloró.

He knows he acted badly.

Sabe que se ha portado mal.

He gestures when he speaks.

Gesticula cuando habla.

He got all he wanted.

Lograba todo lo que quería.

He said he was tired.

Él dijo que estaba cansado.

He saw he was wrong.

Vio que estaba equivocado.

- He dropped it.
- He quit.

Él renunció.

He has denied he cheated.

- Ha negado haber engañado.
- Ha negado haber hecho trampas.

He won't go, will he?

¿Él no irá, verdad?

He means what he says.

Él quiere decir lo que dice.

- He gave in.
- He relented.

Él cedió.

He said he wasn't sick.

Dijo que no estaba enfermo.

He says he was fouled.

Dice que le han hecho falta.

He told what he saw.

Dijo lo que vio.

- He burst into laughter.
- He laughed.
- He started laughing.

Él se rio.

- He liked that.
- He liked it.
- He enjoyed it.

A él le gustó eso.

He said he would come and he did come.

Dijo que vendría y vino.

- He says he will come.
- He says he'll come.

Dice que vendrá.

He said he would prove he didn't do it.

Dijo que demostraría que él no lo había hecho.

He thinks he is a failure so he drinks.

Piensa que es un fracaso por eso se da a la bebida.

- He told me that he was interested.
- He told me he was interested.

Me dijo que estaba interesado.

- He told me that he was impressed.
- He told me he was impressed.

Él me dijo que estaba impresionado.

- He said he didn't like this.
- He said that he didn't like this.

Él dijo que no le gustaba esto.

- He said he could swim well.
- He said that he could swim well.

Él dijo que podía nadar bien.