Translation of "Yesterday" in Portuguese

0.007 sec.

Examples of using "Yesterday" in a sentence and their portuguese translations:



- He died yesterday.
- He passed away yesterday.
- He deceased yesterday.
- He passed on yesterday.

Ele morreu ontem.

- Yesterday snow fell.
- It snowed yesterday.

Nevou ontem.

- It was cloudy yesterday.
- Yesterday was cloudy.
- It was overcast yesterday.

Estava nublado ontem.

- It was Sunday yesterday.
- Yesterday was Sunday.

Ontem foi domingo.

- It was cold yesterday.
- Yesterday was cold.

Estava frio ontem.

- It was cloudy yesterday.
- Yesterday was cloudy.

- Ontem estava nublado.
- Estava nublado ontem.

- He passed away yesterday.
- He deceased yesterday.

Ele faleceu ontem.

- She killed herself yesterday.
- She committed suicide yesterday.
- Yesterday, she committed suicide.

Ela cometeu suicídio ontem.

- It was hot yesterday.
- Yesterday was hot.
- Yesterday was a hot day.

Ontem estava quente.

- I wasn't born yesterday!
- I was not born yesterday.
- I wasn't born yesterday.

Eu não nasci ontem.

- I wasn't born yesterday!
- I wasn't born yesterday.

- Não nasci ontem.
- Eu não nasci ontem.

- I bought this yesterday.
- I bought it yesterday.

Comprei-o ontem.

- I came here yesterday.
- Yesterday I came here.

Eu vim aqui ontem.

- I saw her yesterday.
- I saw them yesterday.

Ontem eu a vi.

- We played soccer yesterday.
- We played football yesterday.

- Nós jogamos futebol ontem.
- Ontem jogamos futebol.

- I arrived here yesterday.
- I came here yesterday.

Eu cheguei ontem aqui.

- Tom watched TV yesterday.
- Tom watched television yesterday.

Tom viu televisão ontem.

- He passed away yesterday.
- He passed on yesterday.

- Ele morreu ontem.
- Ele faleceu ontem.

- His mother died yesterday.
- Her mother died yesterday.

Sua mãe morreu ontem.

- I was ill yesterday.
- Yesterday I was ill.

Ontem estava doente.

He died yesterday.

Ele bateu as botas ontem.

I arrived yesterday.

Cheguei ontem.

I came yesterday.

Eu cheguei ontem.

It snowed yesterday.

Nevou ontem.

Yesterday was Thursday.

Ontem foi quinta-feira.

Yesterday was hot.

- Estava calor ontem.
- Ontem fez muito calor.

Thanks for yesterday.

Obrigado por ontem.

Yesterday snow fell.

- Ontem caiu neve.
- Ontem nevou.

He deceased yesterday.

Ele faleceu ontem.

She died yesterday.

Ela morreu ontem.

Tom came yesterday.

Tom chegou ontem.

Tom arrived yesterday.

O Tom chegou ontem.

It was yesterday.

Foi ontem.

It rained yesterday.

Choveu ontem.

I overslept yesterday.

Dormi demais ontem.

We spoke yesterday.

Nós falamos ontem.

Tom died yesterday.

Tom morreu ontem.

Yesterday was Friday.

Ontem foi sexta-feira.

Yesterday was Saturday.

Ontem foi sábado.

Yesterday was Monday.

Ontem foi segunda-feira.

They arrived yesterday.

- Chegaram ontem.
- Elas chegaram ontem.

- She bought some vegetables yesterday.
- She bought vegetables yesterday.

Ontem ela comprou legumes.

- She died yesterday afternoon.
- She passed away yesterday afternoon.

Ela faleceu ontem à tarde.

- Where were you yesterday?
- Where have you been yesterday?

Onde você esteve ontem?

- My pet cat died yesterday.
- My cat died yesterday.

Meu gato morreu ontem.

- Were you at home yesterday?
- Were you home yesterday?

Você estava em casa ontem?

- She didn't go there yesterday.
- She didn't go yesterday.

Ela não foi ontem.

- Tom was almost killed yesterday.
- Tom almost died yesterday.

- Tom quase morreu ontem.
- Tom quase foi morto ontem.

- It did not rain yesterday.
- It didn't rain yesterday.

Ontem não choveu.

- I was not born yesterday.
- I wasn't born yesterday.

Eu não nasci ontem.

- I helped my father yesterday.
- Yesterday I helped the father.
- Yesterday I helped my father.

- Eu ajudei meu pai ontem.
- Ontem, eu ajudei meu pai.

- I talked to Tom yesterday.
- I talked with Tom yesterday.
- I spoke with Tom yesterday.

Eu falei com Tom ontem.

- I finished the work yesterday.
- Yesterday I finished the job.
- I finished the job yesterday.

Ontem eu terminei o trabalho.

- What was the weather yesterday?
- How was the weather yesterday?
- What was the weather like yesterday?

Como foi tempo ontem?

- Where did he go yesterday?
- Where did she go yesterday?

Aonde ela foi ontem?

- Our team won their match yesterday.
- Our team won yesterday.

Nosso time ganhou a partida ontem.

- I bought a book yesterday.
- Yesterday I bought a book.

- Eu comprei um livro ontem.
- Ontem eu comprei um livro.

- I helped my father yesterday.
- Yesterday I helped the father.

Ontem eu ajudei meu pai.

- I went to Disneyland yesterday.
- Yesterday I went to Disneyland.

Ontem eu fui à Disney.

- He wrote a letter yesterday.
- Yesterday, he wrote a letter.

Ontem ele escreveu uma carta.

- There was an earthquake yesterday.
- Yesterday there was an earthquake.

Ocorreu um terremoto ontem.

- I got up early yesterday.
- Yesterday I got up early.

- Ontem eu acordei cedo.
- Eu levantei cedo ontem.
- Eu acordei cedo ontem.
- Acordei cedo ontem.

- I helped my father yesterday.
- Yesterday I helped my father.

- Eu ajudei meu pai ontem.
- Ontem, eu ajudei meu pai.
- Eu ajudei o meu pai ontem.
- Ajudei meu pai ontem.
- Ajudei o meu pai ontem.

- What was the weather yesterday?
- How was the weather yesterday?

Como foi tempo ontem?

- We played baseball yesterday.
- We played a baseball game yesterday.

Ontem jogamos beisebol.

- Yesterday I bought a book.
- Yesterday, I bought a book.

Ontem eu comprei um livro.

- I didn't watch TV yesterday.
- I didn't watch television yesterday.

Eu não assisti TV ontem.

- Tom didn't watch television yesterday.
- Tom didn't watch TV yesterday.

Tom não assistiu à TV ontem.

- Yesterday, today was still tomorrow, but tomorrow, today will already be yesterday.
- Today was still tomorrow yesterday, but today will be yesterday tomorrow.

Hoje ainda era amanhã ontem, mas hoje será ontem amanhã.

- Did you enjoy yourself yesterday?
- Did you have a good time yesterday?
- Did you enjoy yourselves yesterday?

Vocês se divertiram ontem?

It was cloudy yesterday.

Estava nublado ontem.

Did you study yesterday?

Você estudou ontem?

She went there yesterday.

Ela foi lá ontem.

I watched TV yesterday.

Eu assisti TV ontem.