Translation of "Toilets" in Japanese

0.005 sec.

Examples of using "Toilets" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

Where are the toilets?


Early in the morning, when the station toilets were opened,

朝早く 駅のトイレの扉が開くと

- Where is the bathroom?
- Where's the restroom?
- Where is the toilet?
- Where's the toilet?
- Where's the bathroom?
- Where are the restrooms?
- Where are the toilets?
- Where is the restroom?
- Where's the loo?

- トイレはどこですか。
- トイレは、どこにありますか。
- お手洗いはどこですか?

- Where is the bathroom?
- Where is the toilet?
- Where's the toilet?
- Where's the bathroom?
- Where are the toilets?
- Where is the restroom?
- Where's the loo?
- Where is a toilet?
- Where's the ladies' room?

- トイレはどこですか。
- お手洗いはどこですか?