Translation of "Dyed" in Hungarian

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Examples of using "Dyed" in a sentence and their hungarian translations:

I dyed my hair red.

Vörösre festettem a hajamat.

Tom dyed his hair black.

Tom feketére festette a haját.

She dyed her hair blonde.

Szőkére festette a haját.

Mary dyed her hair blue.

Mari kékre festette a haját.

She dyed her hair pink.

Erős rózsaszínre festette a haját.

Tom dyed his hair blue.

Tom kékre festette a haját.

Tom dyed his hair green.

Tom zöldre festette a haját.

He dyed his hair brown.

- Befestette bernára a haját.
- Barnára festette a haját.

Tom has dyed his hair black.

Tom feketére festette a haját.

Tom recently dyed his hair red.

Tom nemrég festette a haját vörösre.

Have you ever dyed your hair?

Festetted valamikor a hajadat?

Tom dyed his hair bright red.

Tom élénkvörösre festette a haját.

Tom has shoulder-length hair dyed red.

Tomnak vörösre festett, vállig érő haja van.

- He dyed his hair the same color as hers.
- She dyed her hair the same color as his.

Ugyanolyanra festette be a haját ő is.

When was the last time you dyed your hair?

Mikor festetted be utoljára a hajad?

The boy dyed his hair because he wanted to be noticed.

A fiú befestette a haját, hogy felhívja magára a figyelmet.

Mary went to the beauty parlor to get her hair dyed.

Mary elment a szépségszalonba, hogy befestesse a haját.

"Now, then, what did you do to your hair?" "I dyed it."

- Mit csináltál a hajaddal? - Befestettem.