Translation of "That  " in German

0.010 sec.

Examples of using "That  " in a sentence and their german translations:

That tectonic that tectonic,

diese Tektonik diese Tektonik,

- Stop that!
- Stop that.

- Lass das!
- Hör auf damit!
- Hör mal auf!
- Hör mal auf damit!

- That sucks.
- That blows.

Das ist Mist.

That stays that way.

Das bleibt so.

- That isn't the way that I do that.
- That isn't the way I do that.

Ich mache das nicht so.

- That smells bad!
- That smells bad.
- That stinks!

Das stinkt!

The mindset that denies that,

die Einstellung die dies negiert,

- Who's that?
- Who is that?

Wer ist das?

- What's that?
- What is that?

Was ist das für ein Ding?

- Stop doing that.
- Stop that.

- Hören Sie auf damit!
- Lasst das.

- Stop that!
- Don't do that!

- Dies kannst du doch nicht tun!
- Lass das!
- Tu es nicht!

- You do that!
- Do that!

- Mach das!
- Ja, mach das!

- Cut that out!
- Stop that.

Hör auf damit!

Is that really that urgent?

Ist das wirklich so dringend?

That... is all that remains of that trolley system.

Das ist alles, was noch übrig ist von diesem Hängewagen-System.

- I hope that helped.
- I hope that that helped.

Ich hoffe, dass das geholfen hat.

- I hope that helps.
- I hope that that helps.

Ich hoffe, das hilft.

- Close that door.
- Shut that door.
- Close that door!

Mach die Tür da zu!

- That sounds horrible.
- That sounds awful.
- That sounds terrible.

- Das hört sich grausam an.
- Das klingt furchtbar.

- Who is that person?
- Who's that?
- Who is that?

Wer ist das?

That isn't the way that I would've done that.

So hätte ich das nicht gemacht.

- I thought everybody knew that.
- I thought everyone knew that.
- I thought that everyone knew that.
- I thought that everybody knew that.

Ich dachte, alle wussten das.

- Tom will do that.
- Tom did that.
- Tom is doing that.
- Tom does that.

Tom macht das.

- Tom is unaware that Mary did that.
- Tom isn't aware that Mary did that.

Tom ist nicht bekannt, dass Mary das getan hat.

- Don't say that.
- Stop saying that.
- Don't say that word.

Sag das nicht.

- That was not necessary.
- That was unnecessary.
- That wasn't necessary.

Das war unnötig.

- Give me that.
- Give that to me.
- Give me that!

Gib mir das.

- Is that deliberate?
- Is that intentional?
- Is that on purpose?

Ist das Absicht?

Take your URL, that blogpost that you created, that webpage.

Nimm deine URL, diesen Blogpost dass du diese Webseite erstellt hast.

Or that high heel or that coat or that watch,

oder dass High Heel oder dieser Mantel oder diese Uhr,

- I think that Tom thinks that I think that.
- I think Tom thinks I think that.
- I think Tom thinks that I think that.
- I think that Tom thinks I think that.

Ich glaube, Tom meint, dass ich das denke.

- That flabbergasted him.
- That knocked him for six.
- That staggered him.
- That astounded him.
- He was gobsmacked by that.

Das hat ihn von den Socken gehauen.

And like that just like that

Weil du geschrien hast, als ich sie abgezog.

That anything that happened in Uruguay,

Falls irgendetwas in Uruguay passierte,

Yes, that judged that climate protection,

Ja, das hat ja geurteilt, dass der Klimaschutz,

Municipalities don't do that that often.

Kommunen machen das ja nicht so häufig.

. That means accumulating, that is, accumulating.

mehrere Stimmen gegeben werden. Das  heißt kumulieren, also anhäufen.

- That sounds sensible.
- That sounds reasonable.

Das klingt vernünftig.

- Stop saying that!
- Stop saying that.

- Hör auf, das zu sagen!
- Hören Sie auf, das zu sagen!

- That won't work.
- That won't work!

- Das geht gar nicht.
- Das wird nicht funktionieren.
- Das wird nicht gehen.

That is all that he said.

Das ist alles, was er sagte.

- Follow that car.
- Follow that car!

Fahr diesem Wagen hinterher.

- Close that door.
- Close that door!

- Schließ die Tür zu!
- Mach die Tür da zu!

- Is that okay?
- Is that OK?

Ist das in Ordnung?

- That happens sometimes.
- That sometimes happens.

Das passiert ab und an.

- That sounds fair.
- That sounds great.

- Das klingt gerecht.
- Das klingt recht und billig.

- She liked that.
- He liked that.

Das gefiel ihr.

He knows that you know that.

Er weiß, dass du es weißt.

- That sounds great.
- That sounds exciting.

Das klingt prächtig.

- That sounds great.
- That sounds awesome.

Das klingt großartig.

- Stop doing that.
- Stop doing that!

Hör auf damit!

- Leave that alone.
- Leave that alone!

- Lass das in Ruhe!
- Lassen Sie das in Ruhe!

- That didn't happen.
- That hasn't happened.

Das ist nicht passiert.

- Look at that!
- Look at that.

Guck dir das an!

She likes that I do that.

Es gefällt ihr, wenn ich das tue.

- That sounds beautiful.
- That sounds lovely.

Das hört sich schön an.

- That sounds good!
- That sounds good.

Das hört sich gut an!

- I made that.
- I made that!

Ich habe das gemacht.

- Isn't that strange?
- Isn't that weird?

Ist das nicht seltsam?

- Let's do that!
- Let's do that.

Machen wir es!

- We tried that.
- We've tried that.

Wir versuchten es.

- I knew that.
- I knew that!

- Ich habe es gewusst.
- Ich wusste das.

- Everybody did that.
- Everyone did that.

- Jeder hat das gemacht.
- Jeder hat das getan.
- Alle haben das gemacht.
- Alle haben das getan.

- That changed everything.
- That changed things.

Das änderte alles.

- I remember that.
- I remember that!

Ich erinnere mich daran.

- Isn't that sweet?
- Isn't that cute?

Ist das nicht süß?

- Stop that car.
- Stop that car!

Stoppen Sie dieses Auto.

- That can happen.
- That could happen.

- Das kann geschehen.
- Das könnte passieren.

I'm amazed that you say that.

Ich bin erstaunt, dass du das sagst.

- That intrigued everybody.
- That intrigued everyone.

- Das weckte das Interesse aller.
- Das reizte alle.

- Everybody knows that.
- Everyone knows that.

Jeder weiß das.

- Tell him that.
- Tell her that.

Sag ihm das!

It's good that Tom did that.

- Gut, wenn Tom derjenige ist, der es macht.
- Gut, wenn Tom es ist, der es macht.

- You deserve that.
- You deserved that.

Das hast du verdient.

- That can't be.
- That can't be!

- Das ist ausgeschlossen.
- Das kann gar nicht sein.

- That was difficult.
- That was hard.

Es war schwer.

- I've got that.
- I understood that.

Das habe ich verstanden.

- I detest that!
- I hate that!

Ich hasse es!

- Everyone's doing that.
- Everybody's doing that.

- Jeder macht das.
- Alle machen das.

I heard that Tom does that.

Ich habe gehört, dass Tom das tut.