Translation of "لدي" in English

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Examples of using "لدي" in a sentence and their english translations:

- لدي كحة.
- لدي سعال.

I have a cough.

- ليس لدي أي مال.
- لدي نقود

- I have no money.
- I don't have any money.
- I don't have money.

- ليس لدي مال.
- ليس لدي نقود

- I do not have any money.
- I have no money.
- I don't have money.
- I don't have the money.
- I've got no money.

لدي واحدة

I have one.

‫لدي ذئب!‬

Got a wolf!

لدي حمى.

- I have a fever.
- I have a high temperature.

لدي قاموس.

I have a dictionary.

لدي عينين.

- I have eyes.
- I've got eyes.

لدي موعد.

I have an appointment.

لدي أصدقاء.

I have friends.

لدي حجز.

- I have a reservation.
- I've got a reservation.

لدي أخوان.

- I have two brothers.
- I've got two brothers.

لدي قلب.

I have a heart.

لدي سعال.

I have a cough.

لدي رشح.

I have a cold.

لدي أخ

- I have an older brother.
- I have a brother.

لدي أخوات

I have sisters.

لدي أخت

I have a sister.

لدي شقيقين.

I've got two brothers.

لدي سؤال.

- I have a question.
- I have got a question.
- I've got a question.

لدي سيارة

- I have a car.
- I've got a car.

لدي زكام.

I have a cold.

- أنا لدي جاراً غريباً.
- أنا لدي جار غريب.
- أنا لدي جارة غريبة.

I have a weird neighbor.

لدي الكثير من الإيمان ولكن ليس لدي دين.

I've got a lot of faith but no religion.

- أنا لدي جار ليبرالي.
- أنا لدي جارة ليبرالية.

I have a liberal neighbor.

- أنا لدي جار يهودي.
- أنا لدي جارة يهودية.

I have a Jewish neighbor.

- أنا لدي جار فرنسي.
- أنا لدي جارة فرنسية.

I have a French neighbor.

- أنا لدي جار إيطالي.
- أنا لدي جارة إيطالية.

I have an Italian neighbor.

- أنا لدي جار مصري.
- أنا لدي جارة مصرية.

I have an Egyptian neighbor.

- أصبت بالبرد.
- لدي زكام.
- أصبت بالزكام.
- لدي رشح.

- I have a cold.
- I've got a cold.

لدي سؤالٌ لكم.

I have a question for you.

حسناً،لدي فكرة.

Well, here is an idea.

ليس لدي بظر

I don't have a clitoris.

لدي حلان أفضل،

I have two solutions that would be better.

لدي تحد لك:

I've got a challenge for you:

كانت لدي أسبقية،

I had a head start

لا وعي لدي

I do not have consciousness

لدي تحدٍ لكم.

I have a challenge for you.

لدي هذه القدرة

I have it myself,

فقط لدي المسار.

Just a path.

لدي ثلاث كاميرات.

I have three cameras.

لدي سيارة قديمة.

I have an old car.

لدي قط واحد.

I own one cat.

لدي ثلاثة كلاب.

I have three dogs.

أنا لدي عينان.

I have two eyes.

لدي الكثير لأفعله.

I have a lot to do.

لدي جلد دهني.

I have greasy skin.

لدي كل البوماتك

I have all your albums.

لدي امتحان غداً.

- I have an exam tomorrow.
- I have a test tomorrow.

ليس لدي أخوات.

I have no sisters.

لدي معلومات لتوم.

I have information for Tom.

ليس لدي نقود

- I do not have any money.
- I have no money.
- I don't have any money.
- I don't have money.

لدي الآس البستوني.

I have the ace of spades.

لدي الآس الكوبا.

I have the ace of clubs.

لدي الاس الديناري.

I have the ace of diamonds.

لدي مفاجأة لك.

I have a surprise for you.

لا فكرة لدي

Beats me.

ليس لدي مال.

- I do not have any money.
- I have no money.
- I don't have any money.
- I don't have money.

ليس لدي أشقاء.

- I have no siblings.
- I don't have any siblings.

لدي عائلة كبيرة

- I have a large family.
- I have a big family.

لدي ميزانيّة ضئيلة.

My budget is tight.

لدي مليارات الدولارات.

I have billions of dollars.

لا حل لدي.

I don't have a solution.

لدي عم غني.

I have a rich uncle.

لدي أفضل الكلمات.

I have the best words.

لدي فرقة روك.

I have a rock band.

- أنا لدي صديق في إنجلترا.
- أنا لدي صديقة في إنجلترا.

I have a friend in England.

- أنا لدي جار أفريقي-أمريكي.
- أنا لدي جارة أفريقية-أمريكية.

I have an African-American neighbor.

لدي رسالة ختامية ملهمة.

I have an inspirational little ending message.

لدي نقطة مهمة جداً,

I have a really important point,

ولكن ليس لدي بظر

And I didn't have one!

كان لدي ثلاثة أهداف

here were my three goals.

لدي سؤال آخر للجمهور.

I have another question for the audience.

لدي فجوة بين أسناني،

I had a gap in between my teeth,

ليس لدي مهنة جيدة.

I don't have a good career.

وكانت لدي مفكرة، أخرجتها،

So I had a notepad, and I took a notepad,

حينها كان لدي الإنترنت

Now I've got the internet,

لدي مشكلة في النوم.

I have trouble sleeping.

طالما لدي ما أملك

just for as long as I have.

"لكن أنا لدي ابن.

"But I have a son.

ليس لدي أي سلطة."

I have no power."

ليس لدي أي حالة

I have no condition

لدي شهية ضخمة للحياة،

I have had an enormous appetite for life,

لدي القليل من المال.

I have little money.

هذا كل ما لدي

- That is all I have.
- This is all I have.
- That's all I have.

لدي الكثير لأفعله اليوم.

- Today I have a lot of things to do.
- I have a lot of things to do today.
- I have a great deal to do today.
- I have a good many things to do today.
- I have a lot to do today.