Translation of "Elleri" in English

0.007 sec.

Examples of using "Elleri" in a sentence and their english translations:

Elleri kirli.

Her hands are dirty.

Elleri soğuktu.

Her hands were cold.

Elleri cebinde durdu.

He stood with his hands in his pockets.

Soğuktan elleri morardı.

His hands had turned blue because of the cold.

Tom'un elleri üşümüştü.

Tom's hands were cold.

Tom'un elleri arkasında.

Tom's hands are behind his back.

Tom'un elleri ceplerinde.

Tom's hands are in his pockets.

Onun elleri boştu.

His hands were empty.

Onun elleri kabadır.

His hands feel rough.

Tom'un elleri arkasındaydı.

Tom's hands were behind his back.

Tom'un elleri kirliydi.

Tom's hands were dirty.

Tom'un elleri kirlidir.

Tom's hands are dirty.

Tom'un elleri yağlı.

Tom's hands are greasy.

Tom'un elleri titriyordu.

Tom's hands trembled.

Tom'un elleri titriyor.

Tom's hands are shaking.

Onların elleri soğuktu.

Their hands were cold.

Onun elleri kirli.

- His hands are dirty.
- Her hands are dirty.

Onun elleri pis.

His hands are dirty.

Tom'un elleri dolu.

Tom's hands are full.

Tom'un elleri büyüktür.

Tom's hands are large.

Elleri üzerinde yürüyebiliyor.

She's able to walk on her hands.

Onun elleri soğuktan morarmıştı.

- His hands were blue because of the cold.
- His hands turned blue because it was so cold.
- His hands had turned blue because of the cold.
- His hands were blue with cold.

Tom elleri üstünde yürüyebiliyor.

- Tom is able to walk on his hands.
- Tom can walk on his hands.

Onun elleri çamurla kaplıydı.

His hands were covered with mud.

Tom'un güçlü elleri var.

Tom has strong hands.

Soğuktan dolayı elleri morarmıştı.

His hands were blue because of the cold.

Onun pürüzsüz elleri var.

He has smooth hands.

Onun pencerede elleri var.

She has the hands on the window.

O, elleri ceplerinde duruyordu.

He was standing with his hands in his pockets.

Onun büyük elleri var.

He has big hands.

Tom'un elleri tamamen dolu.

Tom has his hands full.

Tom'un küçük elleri var.

Tom has small hands.

Tom'un kirli elleri var.

Tom has dirty hands.

Tom'un elleri titremeye başladı.

Tom's hands began to shake.

Tom'un elleri arkasında bağlı.

Tom's hands are tied behind his back.

Tom'un büyük elleri var.

Tom has big hands.

Tom'un elleri arkasında bağlıydı.

Tom's hands were tied behind his back.

Tom'un elleri buz gibi.

Tom's hands felt like ice.

Tom'un hızlı elleri var.

Tom has fast hands.

Tom'un minik elleri var.

Tom has tiny hands.

Tom'un nazik elleri var.

Tom has gentle hands.

Sesi çatallaşıyor ve elleri titriyordu,

his voice cracking and his hands trembling,

Bir çocuk elleri ceplerinde yürüyordu.

A boy was walking with his hands in his pockets.

Onun elleri bebekle ilgilenmekle meşgul.

Her hands are full taking care of the baby.

Sık sık elleri cebinde yürür.

He often walks with his hand in his pocket.

Onun elleri buz kadar soğuktu.

Her hands were as cold as ice.

Tom elleri havada evden çıktı.

Tom came out of the house with his hands in the air.

Hemşirenin çok nazik elleri var.

The nurse has very gentle hands.

Tom elleri yukarıda evden çıktı.

Tom came out of the house with his hands up.

Tom'un elleri benimkinden daha büyük.

Tom's hands are bigger than mine.

Tom'un elleri ve ayakları bağlıydı.

Tom's hands and feet were tied.

Eşimin elleri tezgahtarınkinden biraz daha küçük.

My wife's hands are slightly smaller than the shop assistant's.

Tom'un elleri sıkıca yumruk haline getirildi.

Tom's hands were tightly clenched into fists.

Tom'un elleri titriyordu ve yüzü kızarmıştı.

Tom's hands were shaking and his face was red.

Tom elleri ve ayakları felçli biri.

Tom is a quadriplegic.

Mary'nin elleri her zaman iyi manikürlüdür.

Mary's hands are always well-manicured.

Titreyen elleri onun sakin davranışını yalanladı.

His trembling hands belied his calm attitude.

Tom'un benden daha büyük elleri var.

- Tom has bigger hands than me.
- Tom's hands are bigger than mine.

Tom'un elleri temizdir ama Mary'ninkiler değildir.

Tom's hands are clean, but Mary's aren't.

Hava çok soğuk olduğu için elleri morardı.

His hands turned blue because it was so cold.

Dan'in cesedi elleri kelepçeli olarak ormanda bulundu.

Dan's body was found handcuffed in the woods.

O, elleri havada olarak ahırdan dışarı çıktı.

He came out of the barn with his hands in the air.

Polis Tom'dan elleri yukarıda evden çıkmasını söyledi.

The police told Tom to come out of the house with his hands up.

Bir adam çıplak elleri ile kazı yaparken görüldü.

One man was seen digging with his bare hands.

- Tom'un ellerinde kabarcıkları vardı.
- Tom'un elleri su toplamıştı.

Tom had blisters on his hands.

Tom turuncu bir tulum giyiyordu ve elleri önünde kelepçeliydi.

Tom was wearing an orange jumpsuit and his hands were cuffed in front of him.

Sakin görünmeye çalıştı ama titreyen elleri onu ele verdi.

He tried to seem calm but his trembling hands betrayed him.

Elleri dolu olduğu için, Tom kapıyı diziyle iterek açtı.

Since his hands were full, Tom pushed open the door with his knee.

Onun elleri küçük ama piyanoyu çalamayacak kadar çok küçük değil.

Her hands are small, but not so small that she can't play the piano.

Onun her zaman elleri ve ayaklarında kan dolaşım ile ilgili problemleri vardı.

She has always had problems with the circulation in her hands and feet.

O, sakin bir ifadeyi sürdürmeye çalıştı, ama onun titreyen elleri ona ihanet etti.

He tried to maintain a calm expression, but his shaking hands betrayed him.

Tom'un oksijen sensörü Tom'un elleri çok soğuk olduğu için iyi bir O2 oturumu okuyamadı.

- The pulse ox sensor couldn't get a good oxygen saturation reading because Tom's hands were so cold.
- The pulse ox sensor couldn't get a good O2 sat reading because Tom's hands were so cold.