Translation of "Prometo" in English

0.018 sec.

Examples of using "Prometo" in a sentence and their english translations:

Les prometo.

I promise you.

Prometo ayudarte.

I promise you I'll help you.

Lo prometo.

I promise.

¡Lo prometo!

- I promise!
- I promise.

- Te prometo que te ayudaré.
- Prometo ayudarte.

- I promise you I'll help you.
- I promise you that I'll help you.

Prometo enfocarme solamente

Wanna promise to focus solely

Regresaré, lo prometo.

I'll come back, I promise.

Prometo que volveré.

I promise I'll come back.

Prometo no cantar.

I promise not to sing.

Prometo trabajar duro.

I promise to work hard.

Regresaré. Lo prometo.

I'll come back. I promise.

- Prometo que te mantendré segura.
- Prometo que te protegeré.

- I promise you I'll keep you safe.
- I promise you that I'll keep you safe.

Te llevaré, lo prometo

I'll get you there, I promise

Prometo que te protegeré.

- I promise I will protect you.
- I promise I'll protect you.

Y prometo que podrán responderlas.

And I promise you'll be able to answer these.

Te prometo toda posible compensación.

I promise you every possible compensation.

Prometo que estaré aquí mañana.

- I promise that I'll be here tomorrow.
- I promise I'll be here tomorrow.

Te prometo que te protegeré.

I promise I will protect you.

Prometo no volver a hacerlo.

I promise I'll never do it again.

Te prometo que vendré temprano.

I promise you I'll come early.

Prometo que vale la pena.

I promise, it's worth the effort.

Prometo dejar solo a Tom.

I promise to leave Tom alone.

Prometo que leeré este libro.

I promise that I'll read this book.

Te prometo, prometo a mi mismo, un nuevo acuerdo para el pueblo americano.

I pledge you, I pledge myself, to a new deal for the American people.

Si prometo reservar tiempo para nosotros,

If I promise to protect some time for us,

Todo irá bien, te lo prometo.

Everything will be okay. I promise.

Prometo que no voy a mirar.

- I promise I won't look.
- I promise that I won't look.

Te prometo que nunca te abandonaré.

- I promise I'll never leave you.
- I promise that I'll never leave you.

Te prometo que nunca te dejaré.

I promise you that I'll never abandon you.

Prometo que estaré ahí a tiempo.

- I promise that I'll be there on time.
- I promise I'll be there on time.

Prometo que no voy a morder.

I promise I won't bite.

Te prometo que explicaré todo después.

I promise you, I will explain everything afterwards.

Prometo que no voy a decir.

- I promise I won't tell.
- I promise that I won't tell.

Te decapitaré y te lo prometo.

I will behead you. I promise you that.

- Te doy mi palabra.
- Lo prometo.

- I give you my word.
- I promise!
- You have my word.
- Will do.

Y les prometo que su vida

and your life, I promise you,

Te prometo que cuidaré de ti.

- I promise you I'll look after you.
- I promise you that I'll look after you.

Prometo que no lo haré más.

- I promise I won't do that again.
- I promise never to do that again.
- I promise I'll never do that again.
- I promise I won't do that anymore.
- I promise that I'll never do that again.
- I promise that I'll never do it again.
- I promise that I won't do that again.

Te prometo que no te deсepcionaré.

- I promise I won't let you down.
- I promise that I won't let you down.

Te prometo que no llegaré tarde.

- I promise you I won't be late.
- I promise you that I won't be late.

Te prometo que vas a ser feliz.

- I promise you'll be happy.
- I promise that you'll be happy.

De ahora en adelante, prometo ser puntual.

From now on, I promise to be punctual.

Prometo que no haré nada para lastimarte.

- I promise you I won't do anything to harm you.
- I promise you that I won't do anything to harm you.

Prometo que no me quedaré hasta tarde.

- I promise you I won't stay out too late.
- I promise you that I won't stay out too late.

Prometo que no volveré a llegar tarde.

- I promise I won't be late again.
- I promise that I won't be late again.

No le diré a nadie, lo prometo.

I won't tell anyone, I promise.

«¿Me lo prometes?» «Sí, te lo prometo.»

- "Do you promise?" "Yes, I promise."
- "Promise?" "Yes, I promise."

Por un momento --lo prometo, solo un momento--

just for a minute - I promise you, a minute -

Prometo que nada malo sucederá si lo hacen.

I promise nothing scary will happen if you close your eyes.

- Te lo juro, John.
- Te lo prometo, Juan.

I swear, John.

Te prometo que no te va a doler.

It won't hurt, I promise.

Te prometo que pronto nos volveremos a encontrar.

I promise you we'll see each other again soon.

Te prometo que no lo vas a lamentar.

- I promise you won't regret it.
- I promise that you won't regret it.

Voy a responder sin importar qué, lo prometo.

I'll answer no matter what, I promise.

- Ten calma. Prometo que no te sucederá nada malo.
- Estate tranquilo, te prometo que no te pasará nada malo.

Stay calm. I promise nothing bad will happen to you.

Y les prometo, que amarán las cenas con amigos.

And I promise, you’re going to love dinner parties.

Prometo que lo haré antes de final de mes.

- I promise I'll do that before the end of the month.
- I promise that I'll do that before the end of the month.

Prometo que este tipo de discusión no se repetirá más.

I promise that this discussion will be the last of its kind.

Voy a ver que puedo hacer, pero no prometo nada.

I'll see what I can do, but no promises.

Te prometo que me quedaré contigo hasta que llegue tu padre.

I promise you I'll stay with you until your father arrives.

"¿Estás de acuerdo en estar a mi lado siempre y prometes cuidarme?" "¡Si, lo prometo!"

"Do you agree to always be by my side and promise to take care of me?" "I do!"

"Y yo os prometo reclamar vuestra propia sangre; la reclamaré a todo animal y al hombre: a todos y a cada uno reclamaré el alma humana."

For I will require the blood of your lives at the hand of every beast, and at the hand of man, at the hand of every man, and of his brother, will I require the life of man.

Prometo lealtad a la bandera de los Estados Unidos de America y a la república que representa, una nación bajo Dios, indivisible, con libertad y justicia para todos.

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.