Translation of "Comprara" in English

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Examples of using "Comprara" in a sentence and their english translations:

Él le aconsejó que lo comprara.

He suggested to her that she should buy it.

Tom me pidió que comprara una cuerda.

Tom asked me to buy some rope.

Se te olvidó decirme que comprara pan.

You forgot to tell me to buy bread.

Este vendedor insistía que le comprara un coche

That salesman was persistent in asking me to buy a car.

Le pedí a mi padre que comprara este juguete.

I asked my father to buy this toy.

Tom me pidió que comprara una caja de cerveza.

Tom asked me to buy a case of beer.

Ella le sugirió al cliente que comprara una corbata azul.

She suggested that the customer buy a blue tie.

Mi mamá me pidió que le comprara una sábana nueva.

Mum asked me to buy her a new blanket.

Le pedí que comprara un pato, pero compró una piña.

I asked him to buy a duck, but he bought a pineapple.

Ella lo convenció que le comprara un anillo de diamantes.

She talked him into buying her a diamond ring.

Tom le pidió a Mary que le comprara un boleto.

Tom asked Mary to buy him a ticket.

Tom le pidió a María que comprara un regalo para Juan.

Tom asked Mary to buy a gift for John.

Tom dijo que no sabía lo que Mary quería que comprara.

- Tom said he didn't know what Mary wanted him to buy.
- Tom said that he didn't know what Mary wanted him to buy.

Tom se sorprendió de que María comprara un auto tan pequeño.

- Tom was surprised that Mary bought such a small car.
- Tom was surprised Mary bought such a small car.

Tom le dijo a Mary que comprara algo de café y cigarrillos.

Tom told Mary to buy some coffee and cigarettes.

Tom le pidió al padre de Mary que le comprara un pasaje.

Tom asked Mary's father to buy him a ticket.

Ella no lo pudo convencer para que le comprara un auto nuevo.

She couldn't convince him to buy her a new car.

- Le pedí a mi padre que comprara este juguete.
- Le pedí a mi padre que me comprara este juguete.
- Le pedí a mi padre que comprase este juguete.

I asked my father to buy this toy.

Si comprara todo lo que quisiera, no me quedaría dinero para aquello que realmente necesito.

If I bought everything that I wanted, I'd have no money left for what I really need.

Ella le recomendó que no comprara un vehículo usado, pero él no siguió su consejo.

She advised him not to buy a used car, but he didn't follow her advice.

John alegó que el vendedor deshonesto lo había estafado para que comprara una pieza de maquinaria inútil.

John claimed that the dishonest salesman had tricked him into buying a useless piece of machinery.