Translation of "Best" in English

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Examples of using "Best" in a sentence and their english translations:

Como si fueras un best seller.

as if they were bestsellers.

Y 3 años como Best in Show.

And 3 years as Best in Show.

Hizo una fortuna al escribir una novela best-seller.

He made a fortune by writing a best selling novel.

Incluso puedes ir a sitios como Amazon, Best Buy.

You can even go to sites like Amazon, Best Buy.

Su nueva novela se ha convertido en un best seller.

Her new novel has become a best seller.

- Su nueva novela se ha convertido en un best seller.
- Su nueva novela se convirtió en un best seller.
- Su nueva novela hizo furor.

Her new novel has become a best seller.

La Biblia es el mayor best-seller de todos los tiempos.

The Bible is the great best seller of all times.

No tenía Best in Show - una competencia entre razas - hasta 1907.

It didn’t have Best in Show — a competition between breeds — until 1907.

Él ha escrito tres libros, dos de los cuales son best sellers.

He has written three books, two of which are best sellers.

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And with many of Napoleon's best troops and commanders now tied down in Spain…

And with many of Napoleon’s best troops and commanders now tied down in Spain…

- Su nueva novela se convirtió en un best seller.
- Su nueva novela hizo furor.

Her new novel has become a best seller.

Este es el único perro que gana Best in Show en Westminster 3 veces seguidas.

This is the only dog to win Best in Show at Westminster 3 times in a row.

Entonces quizás tengas curiosidad cuando el terrier reinar sobre Best in Show finalmente terminó, y

So maybe you’re curious when the terrier reign over Best in Show finally ended, and

Se lo merece, porque acaba de ganar Best in Espectáculo en el 143 ° Westminster Kennel Club

He deserves it, because he just won Best in Show at the 143rd Westminster Kennel Club

King está al final de la larga lista de terriers ganar Best in Show en Westminster.

King is at the end of the long list of terriers to win Best in Show at Westminster.

Los perros no solo comparten un Best in Show título, pero también un patrimonio común de fox terrier.

The dogs don’t just share a Best in Show title, but also a common fox terrier heritage.

En 1998, Dan Brown lanza "Fortaleza Digital". Cinco años más tarde concluía otro best-seller "El Código Da Vinci".

In 1998, Dan Brown released "Digital Fortress". Five years later he completed another best seller, "The Da Vinci Code".

"La guía para idiotas de cómo matar a un tiburón con las manos desnudas" y "las veinte formas de estrangular a un calamar gigante", ambos de Cristóbal Colón, llegaron a convertirse en best sellers.

Christopher Columbus's "The Idiot's Guide to Killing a Shark Barehanded" and "The Twenty Ways to Strangle a Giant Squid" both went on to become bestsellers.