Translation of "полно" in English

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Examples of using "полно" in a sentence and their english translations:

- Сегодня полно народу.
- Сегодня полно народа.

It's crowded today.

- Было полно народа.
- Было полно народу.

It was crowded.

- Работы ещё полно.
- Дел ещё полно.

There's plenty of work left to do.

Дел полно.

- There's a lot to do.
- There is a lot to do.

Времени полно.

There's plenty of time.

Еды полно.

There's plenty to eat.

Народу полно.

There's a crazy world.

- На небе полно звёзд.
- Небо полно звёзд.

The sky is full of stars.

- Еды ещё полно.
- Ещё полно еды осталось.

There is a lot of food left.

- Ваше будущее полно возможностей.
- Твоё будущее полно возможностей.

Your future is full of possibilities.

- Сегодня опять полно народу.
- Сегодня опять полно народа.

It's crowded again today.

Небо полно туч.

The sky is full of dark clouds.

Осталось полно времени.

There's plenty of time left.

Ещё полно осталось.

There's plenty left.

Работы ещё полно.

- There's still plenty of work to do.
- There's plenty of work left to do.

Еды будет полно.

There will be plenty of food.

- У тебя было полно возможностей.
- У вас было полно возможностей.

You've had plenty of opportunities.

- В ней полно грязной посуды.
- В нём полно грязной посуды.

It's full of dirty dishes.

- Ладно, у нас дел полно.
- Ладно, у нас работы полно.

Well, we have a lot of work to do.

У тебя полно времени.

You've got plenty of time.

На дереве полно апельсинов.

There are plenty of oranges on the tree.

На улице полно машин.

The street is full of cars.

В озере полно рыбы.

- The lake abounds with fish.
- There are a lot of fish in the lake.

Ведро было полно воды.

The bucket was full of water.

На пляже полно людей.

The beach is swarming with people.

Сердце моё полно печали.

I am filled with sorrow.

У неё полно книг.

She has plenty of books.

У меня полно дел.

- I have many things to do.
- I have a lot of things to do.

Вокруг полно хороших девушек.

There are plenty of nice girls out there.

У нас полно дел.

We have lots to do.

Море было полно лодок.

The sea was full of boats.

У меня полно времени.

I have lots of time.

У меня полно друзей.

I have plenty of friends.

У нас полно времени.

We have all the time in the world.

У нас полно воды.

We've got plenty of water.

У неё полно денег.

- He has a lot of money.
- He has much money.
- He has lots of money.

В гостинице полно иностранцев.

- The hotel's full of foreigners.
- The hotel is full of foreigners.

У них полно времени.

They have plenty of time.

У них полно денег.

They have plenty of money.

В кладовке полно еды.

There's plenty of food in the pantry.

У меня полно еды.

I've got plenty of food.

У Тома полно обуви.

Tom has lots of shoes.

У Тома полно денег.

Tom has lots of money.

У нас полно еды.

We have plenty of food.

В комнате полно народу.

The room is full of people.

У нас полно вина.

We have plenty of wine.

В городе полно туристов.

The town is packed with tourists.

На дорогах полно машин.

The roads are full of cars.

У нас полно денег.

We have plenty of money.

У нас полно работы.

We have lots of work to do.

В подвале полно воды.

The basement is full of water.

В доме полно еды.

There's plenty of food in the house.

В подушке полно клещей.

The pillow is full of dust mites.

У Тома полно работы.

- Tom has a lot of work.
- Tom has lots of work to do.

У него полно книг.

He has plenty of books.

У меня полно работы.

I have lots of work to do.

В пруду полно головастиков.

The pond is full of tadpoles.

У Тома полно времени.

Tom has a lot of time.

В окрестностях полно волков.

There are a lot of wolves around here.

В окрестностях полно зайцев.

There are a lot of rabbits around here.

- Мир полон идиотов.
- В мире полно идиотов.
- В мире полно дураков.

The world is full of idiots.

- Мир полон идиотов.
- В мире полно глупцов.
- В мире полно идиотов.
- В мире полно дураков.
- Мир полон глупцов.

- The world is full of dumb people.
- The world is full of idiots.

- У тебя полно друзей.
- У вас полно друзей.
- У вас куча друзей.

You have tons of friends.

В нашей жизни полно рутины.

We fill our lives with routines.

А еще здесь полно крабов.

And also, this place is just full of crabs.

В рыбе полно белков, энергии,

Fish, full of good protein, good energy

Здесь должно быть полно гадов.

[Bear] This place is gonna be full of critters.

На улицах полно гоблинов... ...вурдалаков...

The streets fill with goblins... -[sinister laugh] -...ghouls...

у меня было полно ограничений.

I had a lot of constraints.

У нас еще полно еды.

- We have still a lot of food left.
- We still have a lot of food left.

В этой реке полно рыбы.

There are plenty of fish in this river.

В том парке полно аттракционов.

That park is full of amusements.

Сердце её было полно радости.

Her heart was filled with joy.

Её сердце было полно радости.

Her heart was full of joy.

В комнате было полно мебели.

The room was crowded with furniture.

В магазинах полно военных игрушек.

Military toys are abundant in the shops.