Translation of "Colando" in English

0.002 sec.

Examples of using "Colando" in a sentence and their english translations:

Peguei-o colando no exame.

I caught him cheating in the examination.

- O professor achou que eu estava colando.
- A professora achou que eu estava colando.

The teacher thought I was cheating.

Eu o peguei colando no exame.

- I caught him cheating on the test.
- I caught him cheating on the exam.

Eu o peguei colando na prova.

I caught him cheating on the test.

Do blog e boom, copiando e colando.

from the blog and boom copying and pasting.

O professor flagrou o estudante colando na prova.

The teacher caught the student cheating on the examination.

- Tom não está trapaceando.
- Tom não está colando.

Tom isn't cheating.

Tom foi pego colando na prova e expulso da escola.

Tom was caught cheating on the exam and was expelled from school.

Alguns estudantes do colégio que foram pegados colando nos exames nem sequer enrubesceram.

Some of the college students who are caught cheating on the exams do not even blush.