Translation of "どうだい?" in English

0.008 sec.

Examples of using "どうだい?" in a sentence and their english translations:


How about you?


Mike, how's it going?


How's the job hunt?

もう出られるぞ どうだい?

Okay, we're gonna get you out of here. What do you think of that?


How are things for you up there?

- 君はどうだい?
- あなたはどう?

- How about you?
- And you?
- What about you?

- マイク、君はどうだい?
- やあ、マイク、元気?

How are you, Mike?


I advise you to give up drinking.


Why not apply for that job?

- 仕事の具合はどうだい。
- 仕事の調子はどう?

- How's your business going?
- How is your business going?


Why don't you adapt your way of life to circumstances?


"How about a cup of coffee?" "I'd like to, but I have a previous engagement."


Don't get upset about small things. Try to think of things like a rich person who can afford not to argue.

- 元気ですか。
- 元気?
- 君はどうだい?
- ご機嫌いかがですか。
- ご機嫌いかが?
- お元気ですか。

How are you?

- 仕事はうまくいっていますか。
- 君の仕事の調子はどうだい。
- お仕事は順調にいってますか。

How is your work coming along?


Why don't you just call a spade a spade and admit that she dumped you for that American guy she met at the English school?

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