Translation of "ここまで" in English

0.036 sec.

Examples of using "ここまで" in a sentence and their english translations:


it's over.


We're really at the point now...


Now it's so dark...


- That's enough for today.
- Let's call it a day today.

最初から ここまで

Because it was nothing

300万 ここまではOK?

3 million - so far so good?

- 今日はこれまで。
- 今日はここまでにしておこう。
- 今日は、ここまで。
- じゃあ、今日はここまで。

- Let's call it a day today.
- Let's call it a day.

- じゃあ、今日はここまで。
- 今日はここまでにしましょう。

- Let's stop here for today.
- Let's end here for today.

- 今日はこれまで。
- 今日は、ここまで。
- じゃあ、今日はここまで。

That's enough for today.


Oh, look, Dana's tracks have run out here.


Everything here is mine.

任務(にんむ)は… ここまで

This mission... is over.


Let's call it a day.

キレイにしなくちゃ ここまでだ

We need to get this cleaned up properly. It's mission over.


The point is that to get to this point of understanding,

ここまではよくやったぞ 頑張れ

But, you've done a great job getting us this far. So, hang on in there.

ここまで これたからだと思います

and I was able to go through all difficulties and reach this level.


I have made great sacrifices to come this far.

では 想像はここまでにしてください

Now, I ask you to stop imagining

ここまできて諦められない 諦めるな

[Bear] We've come too far to give up on our mission. So, never give up!

- 今日はこれまで。
- じゃあ、今日はここまで。

- That's enough for today.
- That's it for today.
- That's all for today.


Has anything been unclear so far?

「コミュニケーション」― ここまで沢山のことを話したようですが

Communication -- I seem like I talk a lot up here,

ここまでは順調だが ここからが大変になる

[Bear] We've done a great job making it this far, but things are about to get much tougher.

実際 ここまで言っても いいかもしれません

In fact, we could go as far as to say

- 今日は終わりにしましょう。
- 今日はここまでにしておこう。
- 今日は、ここまで。
- さぁ、一日を終わりとしましょう。

- Let's call it a day today.
- Let's call it a day.

ここまでの道のりは ネブラスカ州リンカーンから始まりました

My journey begins in Lincoln, Nebraska.


As we have seen, there was no single blueprint for the medieval castle.


- I came all the way here especially, and the shop's shut.
- I came here especially, and the shop's shut.

- 今日は終わりにしましょう。
- 今日は、この辺でやめておきましょう。
- 今日はここまでにしておこう。
- 今日は、ここまで。

Let's call it a day today.

じゃあなぜ私が ここまで 到達できたかと言えば

in the men's world,


At the end of the class, the teacher said, "That's enough for today."


How long does it take you to get here on foot from your home?


I owe it entirely to him that I have thus far succeeded.


You're the first! ... Little idiots to have made a fool of me.


As long as I've come this far, I'll see it through.


Hard work has carried him this far.

- 今日はこれまでです。
- 今日はこれまで。
- 今日は、ここまで。

That's enough for today.


Don't tell me you're going to back out after all the plans we've made.


I ran all the way here and I'm out of breath.


- Did I miss anything?
- Did I miss something?
- Have I missed something?

何を言いたいかというと ここまで来てお伝えしたかったのは

So what I mean to tell you, I flew out here to say


Up to this point I have presented an overview of the growth of political unrest in the period.

- 今日は終わりにしましょう。
- 今日はここまでにしておこう。
- 今日の仕事は終わりにしましょう。
- さぁ、一日を終わりとしましょう。
- 今日はここまでにしよう。

Let's call it a day.

‎家族のことを案じた ‎ここまで生き物に ‎感情移入したのは初めてだ

worried about your family, your child. I hadn't been a person that was overly sentimental towards animals before.


How long does it take you to get here from your house by train?


We've come this far, so we can't stop now. I don't want to backslide.

では100年前からどのようにして ここまでの事態に至ったのでしょう?

So how did we come so far from 100 years ago,


Encouraged by the continuing trickle of hits and the rarely arriving email I've somehow kept going till now.


You've certainly been hoping for my love, but until now it has been flatly denied.

- ここへ電車で来ましたかそれともバスで来ましたか。
- ここまで電車できたの?それともバス?

Did you come here by train or by bus?


"Up to this point has been the official story, which Kirika also knows." "By which you mean there is also an unofficial?"

- 君はどうしてここに来たのか。
- 何の用でここまできたのですか。
- 何の用でここに来たのですか。
- なぜ君はここに来たのか。
- なんでお前ここにいんの?

What brings you here?

- 君はどうしてここに来たのか。
- 何の用でここまできたのですか。
- 何の用でここに来たのですか。
- なぜ君はここに来たのか。
- どのようなご用件でいらっしゃいましたか。

What has brought you here?


- It's been a long time coming, but tonight, because of what we did on this day, in this election, at this defining moment, change has come to America.
- It's been a long time coming; but tonight, because of what we did on this day, in this election, at this defining moment, change has come to America.

- 今日は終わりです。
- 今日はこれまでです。
- 今日はこれまで。
- 今日はこれでおしまいにしときます。
- 今日はこれでおしまいにしておきます。
- 今日はこのくらいにしておこう。
- 今日は、ここまで。

That's enough for today.