Translation of "Devi" in English

0.008 sec.

Examples of using "Devi" in a sentence and their english translations:

- Devi aiutarla.
- Tu devi aiutarli.

- You've got to help them.
- You must help him.

- Devi fare questo.
- Devi farlo.

- You have to do that.
- You've got to do that.

- Devi aspettare.
- Tu devi aspettare.

You have to wait.

- Devi morire.
- Tu devi morire.

You must die.

- Devi aiutarla.
- Tu devi aiutarla.

You must help her.

- Devi venire.
- Tu devi venire.

- You have to come.
- You must come.
- You need to come.

- Devi essere pazzo.
- Devi essere pazza.

You must be crazy.

- Devi fare attenzione.
- Devi stare attento.

- You have to be careful.
- You've got to be careful.
- You must be careful.

- Sei ammalata, devi riposarti.
- Sei ammalato. Devi riposarti.
- Sei malata. Devi riposarti.
- Sei malato. Devi riposarti.

You're sick. You have to rest.

Uscire, allora devi uscire, allora devi funzionare.

have to get out, then you have to get out, then you have to function.

Deve essere appreso. Devi crescere. Devi viverlo.

One has to learn it. You have to grow up. You have to live it.

- Devi cominciare immediatamente.
- Tu devi cominciare subito.

You should begin right away.

- Devi bere dell'acqua.
- Tu devi bere dell'acqua.

You have to drink water.

- Lo devi fare.
- Tu lo devi fare.

- You have to do it.
- You've got to do this.
- You have to do that.
- You must do that.
- You've got to do that.

Devi pensare

You have to think

Devi perseguirlo.

You have to pursue it.

Devi partire.

You have to leave.

Devi cenare?

Do you have to eat dinner?

Devi aiutarci.

You have to help us.

Devi ritornare.

You have to come back.

Devi andartene?

Do you have to leave?

Devi negarlo.

You must deny it.

Devi aspettarli.

You need to wait for them.

Devi parlargli.

You must talk to him.

Devi parlarle.

You must talk to her.

Devi scegliere.

You must choose.

Devi ascoltarmi.

You must listen to me.

Devi dirmelo.

You must tell me.

Devi aspettare.

You must wait.

Sì, devi.

Yes, you must.

Devi vederli.

You've got to see them.

Devi sederti.

You have to sit down.

Devi telefonarmi.

You need to call me.

Devi andartene.

You must leave.

- Devi mangiare cibi nutrienti.
- Devi mangiare alimenti nutrienti.

You have to eat nutritious foods.

- Ricordati che devi morire.
- Ricorda che devi morire.

Remember you must die.

- Sei ammalata, devi riposarti.
- Sei ammalato. Devi riposarti.

You're sick. You have to rest.

- Devi venire con me.
- Tu devi venire con me.

- You are to come with me.
- You have to come with me.
- You must come with me.

- Devi mangiare della frutta.
- Tu devi mangiare della frutta.

You must eat fruits.

- Devi occuparti del cane.
- Ti devi occupare del cane.

- You must take care of the dog.
- You need to take care of the dog.

- Non devi andare, Bill.
- Tu non devi andare, Bill.

You aren't to go, Bill.

- Tu devi essere Tom, giusto?
- Devi essere Tom, giusto?

You must be Tom.

- Devi solo chiamare Jean.
- Tu devi solo chiamare Jean.

- You only have to call Jean.
- You simply have to call Jean.

- Devi andare in ospedale!
- Tu devi andare in ospedale!

We have to get you to the hospital.

- Devi rispondere alla domanda.
- Tu devi rispondere alla domanda.

- You need to answer the question.
- You must answer the question.
- You've got to answer the question.

- Devi andare alla festa.
- Tu devi andare alla festa.

You have to go to the party.

- Devi studiare di più.
- Tu devi studiare di più.

- You must study more.
- You must study harder.

- Devi alzarti alle sei.
- Ti devi alzare alle sei.

You must get up at six.

- Mi devi un bacio.
- Tu mi devi un bacio.

You owe me a kiss.

- Non devi preoccuparti, Tom.
- Non ti devi preoccupare, Tom.

You don't have to worry, Tom.

- Non devi scusarti, Tom.
- Non ti devi scusare, Tom.

- You don't have to apologize, Tom.
- You don't need to apologize, Tom.

- Devi pagare in anticipo.
- Tu devi pagare in anticipo.

- You must pay in advance.
- You have to pay in advance.
- You need to pay in advance.

- Devi fare più pratica.
- Tu devi fare più pratica.

You need to exercise more.

- Devi rispondere alla lettera.
- Tu devi rispondere alla lettera.

You have to reply to the letter.

“Dall'inizio devi cominciare,

"You have to start from the beginning,

Quindi devi andartene."

so you're going to have to go."

Pamela, devi aspettare.

Pamela, you have to wait.

Penso che devi

I think you have to make

Devi essere stupido.

You must be a fool.

Devi assolutamente invitarlo.

You should definitely ask him out.

Devi assolutamente guardarlo.

- You absolutely have to watch it.
- You absolutely must watch it.

Devi essere orgoglioso.

You must be proud.

Devi cominciare immediatamente.

You must start immediately.

Devi stare quieta!

You must keep calm!

Devi fermarti, Tom.

You've got to stop, Tom.

Devi promettermi qualcosa.

You must promise me something.

Cosa devi fare?

- What do you have to do?
- What must you do?

Devi dormire abbastanza.

You have to get enough sleep.

No, non devi.

No, you don't have to.

Tu devi partire.

- You have to go.
- You must go.
- You have to leave.

Devi farlo subito.

You must do it at once.

Devi farlo immediatamente.

You should do that right away.

Devi provare, Tom.

You have to try, Tom.

Devi tornare immediatamente.

You must return immediately.

Devi partire subito.

- You are to start at once.
- You need to leave right now.

Devi parlar loro.

You must talk to them.

Svelto, devi aiutarlo!

You must help him, quickly!

Devi dirmi qualcosa.

You have to tell me something.

Devi essere là.

You need to be there.

Devi uscire subito.

You must get out right away.

Non devi studiare.

You need not study.

Devi ascoltare Tom.

You need to listen to Tom.

Devi farli ascoltare.

You need to get them to listen.

Mi devi 1000 $.

You owe me $1,000.

Perché devi andare.

Why do you need to go?

Devi vedere questo.

- You've got to see this.
- You must see this.
- You have to see this.
- You have to see it.

Devi indovinare cos'è.

You have to guess what it is.

Devi fermare Tom.

You've got to stop Tom.

Devi raccontarmi tutto.

You must tell me everything.

Devi aver sonno.

- You must be sleepy.
- You're probably sleepy.

Devi trovare Tom.

You have to find Tom.