Translation of "Koki" in English

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Examples of using "Koki" in a sentence and their english translations:

Hän koki poliisin kidutusta.

He was subjected to torture by the police.

Hän koki nuorena monia vaikeuksia.

He went through many hardships in his youth.

Bob koki sodassa paljon vaaroja.

Bob went through many dangers during the war.

- Layla koki tuntevansa alueen niin hyvin.
- Layla koki tuntevansa sen alueen niin hyvin.

Layla felt she knew the area so well.

- Projektillemme tuli äkkiloppu.
- Projektimme koki mahalaskun.

Our project fell into the water.

En voinut olla tuntematta vahingoniloa, kun hän koki murskatappion vaaleissa.

I couldn't resist a touch of schadenfreude when he was defeated so heavily in the election.

Tomin äiti kertoi erikoislaatuisen kertomuksen ruumiista irtautumiskokemuksesta, jonka hän koki taannoisella käynnillään kuoleman rajamailla.

Tom's mother told an extraordinary story of an out-of-body experience she had during her recent brush with death.