Translation of "Tilted" in Spanish

0.016 sec.

Examples of using "Tilted" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

So Pluto's orbit is tilted.

La órbita de Plutón está inclinada.

And transformed into this elliptical, tilted orbit.

y se transformó en una órbita elíptica e inclinada.

The pillar tilted to the right and fell.

El pilar se inclinó a la derecha y cayó.

How much the culture is tilted in his favor.

lo mucho que la cultura está inclinada a su favor.

The other one is tilted 48 degrees to our planet's orbit.

la otra, está inclinado 48 grados a la órbita de nuestro planeta.

One that's just 18 degrees tilted to the plane of Earth's orbit;

una que tiene una inclinación al plano de la órbita de la Tierra de 18 grados;

I'm not sure I really believed that the world was tilted in my favor.

no estaba tan seguro de que el mundo se inclinara a mi favor.

Gets pulled into the updraft it's tilted, but continues to spin – causing the entire

es llevado a la corriente ascendente, se inclina, pero continúa rotando — causando que toda

Do not place the console or accessories on surfaces that are unstable, tilted or subject to vibration.

No coloque la consola o los accesorios en superficies inestables, ladeadas o sujetas a vibraciones.