Translation of "Frustrated" in Spanish

0.006 sec.

Examples of using "Frustrated" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

frustrated Britons.

frustrados británicos.

Becoming frustrated.


Tom looks frustrated.

Tomás parece estar frustrado.

We feel frustrated.

Nos sentimos frustrados.

I was frustrated.

Estaba frustrado.

She's sexually frustrated.

Ella está frustrada sexualmente.

Tom felt frustrated.

Tom se sintió frustrado.

Yanni was frustrated.

Yanni estaba frustrado.

And it frustrated me,

Y me frustraba mucho

And I was frustrated.

y sentí una gran frustración.

I'm confused and frustrated.

Estoy confundido y frustrado.

I was rageous, frustrated, angry,

Yo estaba furioso, frustrado, enojado,

You feel frustrated and dissatisfied,

Nos sentimos frustrados e insatisfechos,

Sami was so fucking frustrated.

Sami estaba tan jodidamente frustrado.

I was so frustrated with that

Yo quedaba muy frustrada con eso,

You are frustrated with your work.

Estás frustrado con tu trabajo.

The bad weather frustrated our plans.

El mal tiempo desbarató nuestros planes.

Mary is frustrated with her life.

Mary está frustrada con su vida.

We are frustrated for not having time.

nos frustra no tener tiempo.

That I'd come home and feel frustrated,

que llegaba a casa y me sentía frustrada

I'd start my homework and feel frustrated

Comenzaba la tarea y me frustraba

And mostly, they're frustrated with baby boomers.

Y la mayoría de ellos se sienten frustrados con los "baby boomers".

Camille is frustrated with Alan's distracted attitude.

Camille está frustrada con la actitud distraída de Alan.

Quite frustrated, we saw our dreams disappear.

Con gran frustración vimos esfumarse nuestros sueños.

I was frustrated, and I was sad,

Yo esta frustrada y triste,

We're frustrated because we see this as negativity.

Nos frustramos porque lo vemos como negatividad.

So I was angry, and I was frustrated

Así que me sentía enfadada y frustrada

- Tom was very disappointed.
- Tom was very frustrated.

Tom estaba muy frustrado.

To look for that frustrated dream, that pending matter,

buscar ese sueño frustrado, esa asignatura pendiente,

I have not been so frustrated in a long time.

No me había frustrado tanto en mucho tiempo.

I get annoyed when I couldn't fall asleep, and I get frustrated,

Me molestaba cuando no lograba dormirme y me frustraba,

- He said that he was really upset.
- He said he was frustrated.

Dijo que estaba frustrado.

And I had all this time in my hands and I felt very frustrated.

Y tenía todo este tiempo en mis manos y me sentía muy frustrada.

"I'm touching myself, I get frustrated, and I know I'm not going to orgasm."

"Me estoy tocando, me frustro y sé que no voy a llegar".

He was further frustrated in 1805,  when his corps was sent to guard the  

Se sintió aún más frustrado en 1805, cuando su cuerpo fue enviado a proteger el

Frustrated at not being the exclusive object of her desires anymore, Tom demoted Mary.

Frustrado por haber dejado de ser el objeto exclusivo de sus deseos, Tom relegó a Mary.

Sales, because when people come to your site they won't get frustrated anymore, and they're

porque cuando las personas vayan a tu sitio no se frustrarán más,

Don: I was spending a year living in Cambridge, England, and I got so frustrated with my inability

Estuve viviendo un año en Cambridge, Inglaterra, y me frustraba tanto mi incapacidad

Frustrated with the European languages, which he considered "too boring", Christopher Columbus invented "Columbian", a language so complicated that only he could speak it.

Frustrado con las lenguas europeas, que él consideraba "extremadamente aburridas", Cristóbal Colón inventó el "coloní", una lengua tan difícil que sólo él podía hablarla.