Translation of "Contract" in Spanish

0.009 sec.

Examples of using "Contract" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

- It's not in my contract.
- It isn't in my contract.

No está en mi contrato.

- We need to have a contract.
- We need a contract.

Necesitamos tener un contrato.

And contract during exhalation.

y se contraen durante la espiración.

That's against the contract.

Eso esta contra el contrato.

The contract was signed.

Se firmó el contrato.

Tom signed the contract.

Tom firmó el contrato.

Working contract or with

contrato de trabajo bajo el brazo o con

The contract expires today.

El plazo del contrato expira hoy.

They have a contract.

Ellos tienen un contrato.

Tom negotiated a new contract.

Tom negoció un nuevo contrato.

The contract will expire soon.

El contrato expirará pronto.

I am signing my contract.

Estoy firmando mi contrato.

She has an indefinite contract.

Ella tiene un contrato indefinido.

She had a work contract.

Ella tenía un contrato de trabajo.

The contract expired on Monday.

El contrato venció el lunes.

The player's contract was renewed.

El contrato del jugador fue renovado.

That's simple breach of contract.

Eso es simplemente una rotura del contrato.

It's not in my contract.

No está en mi contrato.

I'll sign the contract later.

Firmaré el contrato más tarde.

The contract has an appendix.

El contrato tiene un anexo.

- Tom said he had a contract.
- Tom said that he had a contract.

Tom dijo que el tenía un contrato.

They are satisfied with the contract.

Ellos están satisfechos con el contrato.

Have you ever signed a contract?

¿Alguna vez has firmado un contrato?

Tell Tom I'll sign the contract.

Dile a Tom que firmaré el acuerdo.

Don't forget to sign the contract.

No olvides firmar el contrato.

Tom translated the contract into French.

Tomás tradujo el contrato al francés.

Tom carefully read over the contract.

Tom leyó atentamente el contrato.

Tom handed the contract to Mary.

Tom pasó el contrato a Mary.

I don't have an employment contract.

No tengo un contrato laboral.

A new contract similar to an attached agreement By the original marriage contract, but with

un nuevo contrato similar a un acuerdo adjunto Por el contrato de matrimonio original, pero con

contract attached to the marriage contract documenting the ownership of both partners of the marital

adjunto al contrato matrimonial que documenta la propiedad de ambos cónyuges del equipamiento del hogar

Please sign your name on the contract.

Por favor firma el contrato.

We made a contract with the firm.

Hicimos un contrato con la empresa.

He was compelled to sign the contract.

Fue obligado a firmar el contrato.

His contract runs for one more year.

Su contrato dura un año más.

Tom signed the contract without reading it.

Tom firmó el contrato sin leerlo.

I have never signed a social contract.

Nunca he firmado un contrato social.

What are the terms of the contract?

¿Cuáles son las condiciones del contrato?

You may lose that one big contract

Puede perder ese gran contrato

Or contract between the people and the state.

así como acuerdos entre la población y el estado.

Is based around a contract or a bargain

está basado en una especie de contrato o acuerdo

Don't faint! Not until you sign the contract.

¡No te desmayes! No antes de firmar el contrato.

I cannot sign a contract without reading it.

No puedo firmar un contrato que no he leído previamente.

We might not need to sign a contract.

Puede que no tengamos que firmar un contrato.

If I'd only read the contract more carefully!

¡Ojalá hubiese leído el contrato con mucho más cuidado!

I want this contract translated word for word.

Quiero este contrato traducido palabra por palabra.

I got Tom to sign the new contract.

Conseguí que Tom firmara el contrato.

Tom suggested that I read the contract again.

Tom sugirió que yo leyera el contrato nuevamente.

And so I went, and I signed that contract,

Fui, firmé el contrato

The short term contract employees were dismissed without notice.

Los empleados con contrato a corto plazo, fueron despedidos sin previo aviso.

The contract states how much we have to pay.

El contrato indica cuánto tenemos que pagar.

- The contract, if you were forced to sign it, is invalid.
- The contract is invalid if you were forced to sign it.

Si usted es forzado a firmarlo, el contrato es inválido.

I have to check and see what the contract says.

Tengo que revisar lo que dice el contrato.

I want everything you just said written into the contract.

Quiero que todo lo que acabas de decir salga escrito en el contrato.

A contract with that company is worth next to nothing.

Un contrato con esa compañía no vale casi nada.

He was made to sign the contract against his will.

Lo forzaron a firmar el contrato.

You must look over the contract before you sign it.

Usted debe revisar cuidadosamente el contrato antes de firmarlo.

The contract, if you were forced to sign it, is invalid.

Si usted es forzado a firmarlo, el contrato es inválido.

They signed a three-year contract with a major record company.

Firmaron un contrato de tres años con una de las mayores discográficas.

The details of the agreement are set forth in the contract.

Los detalles del acuerdo quedan establecidos en el contrato.

This company and I have signed a contract of three years.

Esta compañía y yo firmamos un contrato a tres años.

If you do that, I'll sue you for breach of contract!

Si haces eso, te demandaré por incumplimiento de contrato.

- I thought Tom would just sign the contract without reading it carefully.
- I thought that Tom would just sign the contract without reading it carefully.

Pensé que Tom sencillamente firmaría el contrato sin leerlo con cuidado.

Their contract is to run out at the end of this month.

Su contrato llega a su fin a finales de este mes.

By contract, this person will receive this benefit or whatever is agreed upon.

esta persona por contrato recibirá este beneficio o lo que esté acordado.

When I was 17, I got a contract to the Birmingham Royal Ballet

Cuando tenía 17, me contrataron para el Birmingham Royal Ballet

Are two and three and four times more likely to contract this virus,

son dos, tres o cuatro veces más propensas a contraer el virus,

Instead of waiting for a contract, we can handle it over the phone.

En vez de esperar un contrato, podemos tratarlo por teléfono.

We were forced to back out of a contract due to the earthquake.

No nos quedó otra alternativa que romper el contrato debido al terremoto.

A contract agreement on the sharing of marriage, but the media dealt with the

un acuerdo contractual sobre el matrimonio compartido, pero los medios de comunicación se ocuparon de la

- As of midnight tonight the contract becomes effective.
- This agreement becomes valid at midnight.

Este contrato entra en vigor a medianoche.

To get free, I had to get clear on exactly what contract I was shredding.

Para liberarme, debía tener en claro qué contrato estaba destruyendo.

I figured that once I got a contract, the industry would open up for me.

Supuse que si firmaba un contrato, la industria me abriría las puertas.

His expression. It is not a contract substitute for marriage, but rather a civil agreement that

su expresión. No es un contrato sustitutivo del matrimonio, sino un acuerdo civil que

Spouses sets conditions in a temporary contract and each party is obligated to implement them according to

cónyuges establece condiciones en un contrato temporal y cada parte está obligada a implementarlas según

According to the vice president, the company has yet to receive a contract from a foreign company.

Según el vice-presidente, la compañía todavía no ha recibido un contrato de ninguna empresa extranjera.