Translation of "Assume" in Spanish

0.012 sec.

Examples of using "Assume" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

I assume


- We assume that it is natural.
- We assume it is natural.
- We assume it's natural.
- We assume that it's natural.

Supongamos que es natural.

- I assume you're angry.
- I assume that you're angry.

Supongo que estás enojado.

- I assume that you're Canadian.
- I assume you're Canadian.

Supongo que usted es canadiense.

What do I assume?

¿qué supongo?

- I assume you've had breakfast.
- I assume that you've had breakfast.

Asumo que desayunaste.

- I assume you've already done that.
- I assume that you've already done that.
- I assume that you've done that already.
- I assume you've done that already.

Supongo que ya lo has hecho.

I assume you are Canadian.

Supongo que eres canadiense.

Don't assume you're not contagious.

No te creas que no eres contagioso.

- I assume Tom didn't show up.
- I assume that Tom didn't show up.

Asumo que Tom no se presentó.

- I assume you still play golf.
- I assume that you still play golf.

Asumo que aún juegas golf.

- I assume you're referring to Tom.
- I assume that you're referring to Tom.

Asumo que te refieres a Tom.

- I assume you've heard from Tom.
- I assume that you've heard from Tom.

- Supongo que has tenido noticias de Tom.
- Supongo que has oído de Tom.

"Another angry black girl," they'd assume -

"Otra negra malhumorada", pensaban;

Are you prepared to assume responsibility?

¿Estás listo para tomar la responsabilidad?

I assume Argentina will beat Turkey.

Doy por sentado que Argentina le ganará a Turquía.

- I assume you know who did this.
- I assume that you know who did this.

Asumo que sabes quién hizo esto.

- I assume you two know each other.
- I assume that you two know each other.

Asumo que ustedes dos se conocen.

- I assume you're getting paid for this.
- I assume that you're getting paid for this.

Asumo que te van a pagar por esto.

- I assume you're referring to Tom's problem.
- I assume that you're referring to Tom's problem.

Asumo que te refieres al problema de Tom.

- I assume you've heard about Tom's promotion.
- I assume that you've heard about Tom's promotion.

Asumo que oíste acerca del ascenso de Tom.

- I assume your mission was a success.
- I assume that your mission was a success.

Asumo que tu misión fue un éxito.

- I assume your party was a success.
- I assume that your party was a success.

Asumo que tu fiesta fue un éxito.

- I assume that this idea will work well.
- I assume this idea will work well.

Supongo que esta idea funcionará bien.

- I assume you know what to do.
- I assume that you know what to do.

Supongo que vos sabés qué hacer.

- I assume you don't want to go.
- I assume that you don't want to go.

- Me da que no quieres ir.
- Creo que no tienes intención de ir.

- You should assume that email messages aren't private.
- You should assume email messages aren't private.

Debes asumir que los e-mails no son privados.

It turns out that most people assume

Resulta que la mayoría supone

The police now also assume a crime.

La policía ahora también asume un delito.

- I assume that Tom doesn't have that many friends.
- I assume Tom doesn't have that many friends.

Supongo que Tom no tiene tantos amigos.

- I assume you know what this is about.
- I assume that you know what this is about.

Supongo que sabes de qué se trata esto.

- I assume you'll be paying me in cash.
- I assume that you'll be paying me in cash.

Asumo que me pagará en efectivo.

- I assume you'll not come to work tomorrow.
- I assume that you'll not come to work tomorrow.

Asumo que no vendrás a trabajar mañana.

We assume, if we have enough money together,

asumimos que, si tenemos suficiente dinero juntos,

I assume that there could be game there.

Supongo que podría haber juego allí.

Then you can assume that they discovered me.

entonces puedes asumir que me descubrieron.

Many astronomers assume that the universe expands infinitely.

Muchos astrónomos asumen que el universo se expande infinitamente.

Assume you're not trying to crush your competition

Suponer que no estás intentando aplastar a tu competencia

- I assume you know how to fix the problem.
- I assume that you know how to fix the problem.

Supongo que sabes arreglar el problema.

- I assume you're here to ask me about Tom.
- I assume that you're here to ask me about Tom.

Asumo que estás aquí para preguntarme por Tom.

- I assume you're referring to what happened here recently.
- I assume that you're referring to what happened here recently.

Asumo que te refieres a lo que pasó aquí recientemente.

- I assume you've heard about what happened here yesterday.
- I assume that you've heard about what happened here yesterday.

Asumo que oíste sobre lo que pasó aquí ayer.

- I assume you've heard about what happened to Tom.
- I assume that you've heard about what happened to Tom.

Asumo que oíste sobre lo que le pasó a Tom.

- I assume that it was all they wanted to say.
- I assume it was all they wanted to say.

Asumo que era todo lo que querían decir.

- You should assume that Tom won't help us at all.
- You should assume Tom won't help us at all.

Deberías suponer que Tom no nos va a prestar ninguna ayuda.

First of all, don't assume that something is healthy

En primer lugar, no asuman que algo es sano

Now, we can assume that there was a battle;

Podemos asumir que hubo una batalla.

Is that something like what we imagine or assume?

¿Es algo que imaginamos o que asumimos?

We assume that the internet is all grown up.

asumimos que la Internet ha madurado.

One would assume that in evolution the fittest survives.

Uno supondría que en la evolución, sobrevive el más fuerte.

Let's assume that all of the estimated five million

Supongamos que los cinco millones estimados

Let's assume that this man has made an error.

Supongamos que este señor ha cometido un error.

- I assume you'll be explaining why all this is necessary.
- I assume that you'll be explaining why all this is necessary.

Asumo que vas a explicar por qué todo esto es necesario.

- I assume you'll call me if you need anything else.
- I assume that you'll call me if you need anything else.

Asumo que me llamarás si necesitas algo más.

Let's assume it's not possible, but I suppose it's possible

Supongamos que no es posible, pero supongo que es posible.

Now, you might assume that Daniel Goleman is a researcher,

Podrían pensar que Daniel Goleman es investigador,

So don't assume your interns are gonna be free forever.

Así que no asumas a tus pasantes van a ser gratis para siempre

- I assume you've heard that we're having a meeting this afternoon.
- I assume that you've heard that we're having a meeting this afternoon.

Asumo que has oído que esta tarde tenemos una reunión.

- I assume we're doing a pretty good job since no one has complained.
- I assume that we're doing a pretty good job since no one has complained.
- I assume that we're doing a pretty good job since nobody has complained.
- I assume we're doing a pretty good job since nobody has complained.

Asumo que estamos haciendo un buen trabajo teniendo en cuenta que nadie se ha quejado.

If you think about it, there's a good reason to assume

Si lo piensan, hay una buena razón para suponer

Our purely physical eyesight is not as reliable as we assume.

Nuestra vista meramente física no es tan fiable como asumimos.

We assume what gender someone is, based on how they look,

Asumimos el género de alguien basándonos en cómo se ven,

One can assume that there were kingfishers in there this year.

Se puede suponer que hubo martines pescadores allí este año.

We assume that we will have most of the houses ready

Suponemos que tendremos la mayoría de las casas listas

Today cars are so popular that we assume everyone has one.

Hoy en día los coches son tan populares que asumimos que todos tienen uno.

Let's not indulge in magical thinking and assume this breeds unicorns.

No consintamos pensamientos mágicos y el asumir que este cría unicornios.

What people seem to assume is that I want to know

lo que la gente parece suponer es que quiero saber

If I don't see updates, I assume, even though we're friends,

Si no veo actualizaciones, supongo, a pesar de que somos amigos,

- I assume you're telling me now because you figured I'd find out anyway.
- I assume that you're telling me now because you figured that I'd find out anyway.
- I assume you're telling me now because you figured that I'd find out anyway.
- I assume that you're telling me now because you figured I'd find out anyway.

Asumo que me lo dices ahora porque dedujiste que lo averiguaría de cualquier forma.

Why not go back to just letting people assume what they want

¿Por qué no simplemente volver a dejar que la gente crea lo que quiera

We assume that Johanna has been kidnapped and that the people who

Suponemos que Johanna ha sido secuestrada y que las personas que

Which many of you might assume is a very healthy day of meals.

que muchos de Uds. pueden considerar es un día de comidas muy sanas.

Note that this theorem does not assume the existence of such an object.

Note que este teorema no asume la existencia de tal objeto.

I assume that boy who looks so much like you is your brother.

Supongo que ese muchacho que se parece tanto a ti es tu hermano.

I assume you're telling me now because you figured I'd find out anyway.

Asumo que me lo dices ahora porque dedujiste que lo averiguaría de cualquier forma.

- Are you prepared to take on the responsibility?
- Are you prepared to assume responsibility?

¿Estás listo para tomar la responsabilidad?

I know what you're thinking ... But we to assume that this theory makes sense!

Ya sé lo que estáis pensando… ¡Pero vamos a asumir que esta teoría tiene sentido!

It’s natural to assume that rich people pay a bigger tax burden in the US,

es natural asumir que la gente rica paga una mayor carga de impuestos en los EE.UU.,

Well, let's assume that Elon Musk is right, and Tesla manages to overcome all the problems

Bien, asumamos que Elon Musk tiene razón, y Tesla consigue superar todos los problemas

Let's assume that, we have a salary of 100,000 francs a year, which would be the equivalent

vamos a suponer que, tenemos un sueldo de 100.000 francos al año, que serían el equivalente

- I suppose so.
- I assume so.
- That's what I'm assuming.
- I guess so.
- I suppose.
- I guess.

Eso es lo que estoy suponiendo.

So if you drive a car, you might assume that the tradeoff of a road diet would be congestion...

Si conduces un automóvil, puedes asumir que una dieta vial causa más congestión…

In most cases, people, even the most vicious, are much more naive and simple-minded than we assume them to be. And this is true of ourselves too.

- En la mayoría de los casos, la gente, incluso la más vil, es mucho más ingenua y sencilla de lo que nosotros asumimos. Y esto también aplica para nosotros.
- A menudo las personas, del más sabio al más mezquino, son más ingenuas e inexpertas de lo que parecen. Tú incluido.

When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best, they're sending people with lots of problems and they're bringing those problems to us. They're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime, they're rapists and some I assume are good people.

Cuando México envía a su gente, no están enviando su mejor, están enviando gente con muchos problemas y nos traen esos problemas. Traen drogas, traen crimen, son violadores y algunos supongo que son buena gente.

What makes it so plausible to assume that hypocrisy is the vice of vices is that integrity can indeed exist under the cover of all other vices except this one. Only crime and the criminal, it is true, confront us with the perplexity of radical evil; but only the hypocrite is really rotten to the core.

Lo que hace tan plausible suponer que la hipocresía es el vicio de los vicios es que la integridad de hecho puede existir bajo la cobertura de todos los otros vicios menos este. Sólo el crimen y el criminal, es cierto, nos enfrentan con la perplejidad del mal radical, pero sólo el hipócrita es un pozo de maldad realmente.