Translation of "Maybe" in Spanish

0.097 sec.

Examples of using "Maybe" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

Maybe, maybe not...

Quizá sí, quizá no…

Like maybe, just maybe,

Como que quizá, solo quizá,


- Puede.
- Es posible.

- Maybe that would work.
- Maybe it'll work.
- Maybe that'll work.

Puede que funcione.

Waist 300 maybe 500 maybe 1000

cintura 300 quizás 500 quizás 1000

- Maybe next time!
- Maybe next time.

¡Quizá para la próxima!

Maybe unfairly?

¿Quizá sin razón?

Maybe sometimes.

Quizá algunas veces.

Maybe not.

Tal vez no.

Maybe later.

Quizá más tarde.

Maybe over email, maybe face to face

Quizá por correo electrónico, cara a cara,

- Maybe they are happy.
- Maybe they're happy.

Quizás sean felices.

- Maybe it is destiny.
- Maybe it's destiny.

Tal vez es el destino.

- Maybe it will snow.
- Maybe it'll snow.

- Quizá nieve.
- Puede que nieve.

Maybe I'll go, and maybe I won't.

Quizás vaya, quizás no.

- Maybe it's true.
- Maybe it is true.

Tal vez es verdad.

Maybe I am like him, or maybe you are. Maybe everyone is.

Tal vez yo soy como él, o tal vez tú. Tal vez todos son como él.

And maybe, maybe you’ve been that kid before.

Y quizá Uds. hayan sido antes uno de esos niños.

Maybe it's the rebellious age, maybe it's not;

Quizá sea una edad rebelde, quizá no.

So I, like maybe, maybe many of you,

Así que, igual que les puede ocurrir a muchos de Uds.,

Maybe they will come and maybe they won't.

Puede que vengan y puede que no.

Maybe looked at.

Quizás mirada.

There's maybe accountability.

Está la asunción de responsabilidad.

maybe a moment

tal vez un momento

Maybe this event

Tal vez este evento

Maybe next time.

Tal vez la próxima vez.

Maybe it's true.

Tal vez es verdad.

Maybe it'll snow.

- Quizá nieve.
- Puede que nieve.

Maybe next time!

¡Quizá para la próxima!

Maybe they're hungry.

Talvez tienen hambre.

Maybe you'll succeed.

Tal vez lo logres.

Well, maybe not.

Bueno, tal vez no.

Maybe you succeed.

Quizá lo consigáis.

- Could be.
- Maybe.

- Tal vez.
- Poder.
- Energía.
- Libertad.

Maybe you're right.

Puede que tengas razón.

Maybe I'm wrong.

Puede que esté equivocado.

Maybe a million?

Tal vez un millón?

That, hey, maybe I'm not safe, maybe I'm not secure;

vemos que quizá no estemos seguros, quizá no estemos a salvo:

Maybe 10%, maybe even 90%, but I'm not 100% available.

Puede que 10 %, incluso un 90 % pero no 100 % disponible.

- He's young, maybe too young.
- She's young, maybe too young.

Es joven, tal vez demasiado joven.

- Perhaps that's true.
- Maybe it's true.
- Maybe it is true.

- Tal vez eso es cierto.
- Quizás sea cierto.

- It may snow.
- Maybe it will snow.
- Maybe it'll snow.

- Quizá nieve.
- Puede que nieve.

- Maybe you'd better call him.
- Maybe you'd better call her.

- Talvez debes llamarlo.
- Talvez es mejor llamarla.

- Maybe I can fix it.
- Maybe it can be fixed.

Tal vez se puede reparar.

maybe it's too strong,

tal vez es demasiado fuerte,

Maybe the cosmic hush

Ahora, tal vez este gran silencio cósmico

maybe put them together...

quizá de ponerlas juntas...

Wow, that's maybe 70%.

Guau, debe ser el 70 %.

Or maybe like that.

O tal vez a esto.

But, maybe like poetry,

Pero, quizás como la poesía,

Maybe just hit people.

Quizá solo dispararle a personas.

And maybe you think,

Y quizás Ud. piense:

Maybe we can talk.

Tal vez podamos conversar.

Maybe she is coming.

Quizá ella está por venir.

Maybe Jane will come.

Puede que venga Jane.

Maybe he's not young.

Quizás él no es joven.

Maybe we're gonna work.

Tal vez vayamos a trabajar.

Maybe it's a trap.

Tal vez es una trampa.

"Are you going?" "Maybe."

"¿Vos vas?" "Tal vez."

Maybe Tom likes you.

Tal vez le gustas a Tom.

Maybe I was wrong.

Puede que estuviera equivocado.

Maybe Tom saw something.

Quizás Tom vio algo.

Maybe they have something.

Quizás ellas tengan algo.

Maybe it's something important.

Tal vez es algo importante.

Maybe she won't come.

Quizá no venga.

Maybe I'll bring Tom.

Quizá traiga a Tom.

Maybe Tom is dead.

Quizá Tom está muerto.

Maybe I deserve this.

Quizá me merezco esto.

Maybe we should wait.

Tal vez deberíamos esperar.

Maybe I'm just crazy.

Quizá solo esté loco.

- Maybe later.
- Perhaps later.

Quizá más tarde.

Maybe they are happy.

Quizás sean felices.

Maybe we should talk.

Tal vez deberíamos hablar.

Maybe it will snow.

Tal vez nieve.

Maybe there's still time.

Quizás haya más tiempo.

Maybe Tom is stupid.

- Tal vez Tom es estúpido.
- Puede que Tom sea estúpido.

Maybe that's the secret.

Tal vez ahí esté el secreto.