Translation of "Stung" in Portuguese

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Examples of using "Stung" in a sentence and their portuguese translations:

- Tom was stung by a bee.
- Tom got stung by a bee.

Tom foi picado por uma abelha.

- Tom got stung by a jellyfish.
- Tom was stung by a jellyfish.

Tom foi queimado por uma água-viva.

- Hey! A bee stung me!
- Ouch! I was stung by a bee.

Ei! Uma abelha me picou!

- I was stung by a bee.
- I got stung by a bee.

- Fui picado por uma abelha.
- Fui ferroado por uma abelha.

I was stung by a bee.

Uma abelha me picou!

I've been stung by a hornet.

Fui picado por um marimbondo.

I got stung by this bee.

Esta abelha me deu uma picada.

Were you stung by a bee?

- O senhor foi picado por uma abelha?
- A senhora foi picada por uma abelha?

Ouch!! I've been stung by a bee!!

Ai! Fui picado por uma abelha!

- I got a bee sting.
- I was stung by a bee.
- I got stung by a bee.

Uma abelha me picou.

- During the night, a wasp stung my temple.
- During the night, a wasp stung me in the temple.

Durante a noite, uma vespa picou minha têmpora.

- He felt the pangs of conscience.
- His conscience stung him.

Ele ficou com remorso.

Tom is crying because he got stung by a bee.

Tom está chorando porque foi picado por uma abelha.

During the night, a wasp stung me in the temple.

Durante a noite, uma vespa me picou no templo.

They're all part of my soup, but the onions still stung.

Eles todos são parte da minha sopa, mas as cebolas ainda ardiam.

From under his thick brows sternly watched two black little eyes, which stung sharply.

De sob suas cerradas sobrancelhas, espreitavam com seriedade dois pequenos olhos negros, penetrantes e perturbadores.

Once stung, it only takes minutes for the urchin’s toxic concoction to go to work.

Uma vez picado, bastam uns minutos para a mistura tóxica do ouriço começar a funcionar.

That sight Coroebus brooked not. Stung with gall / and mad with rage, nor fearing to be slain, / he plunged amid their columns.

O espetáculo Corebo / não pôde suportar: enfurecido / e disposto a morrer, arremeteu / contra o fero esquadrão que a circundava.

"But mad with love's despair, / and stung with Furies for his spouse denied, / at length Orestes caught the wretch unware, / e'en by his father's shrine, and smote him then and there."

"Mas do rapto da noiva ardendo em ciúme, / sob o império das Fúrias vingadoras, / surpreende Orestes ao rival no lar paterno / e junto dos altares o degola."

- Then fury spurred their courage, and behold, / As ravening wolves, when darkness hides the day, / Stung with mad fire of famine uncontrolled, / Prowl from their dens, and leave the whelps to stay, / With jaws athirst and gaping for the prey. / So to sure death, amid the darkness there, / Where swords, and spears, and foemen bar the way, / Into the centre of the town we fare. / Night with her shadowy cone broods o'er the vaulted air.
- Then, like wolves ravening in a black fog, whom mad malice of hunger hath driven blindly forth, and their cubs left behind await with throats unslaked; through the weapons of the enemy we march to certain death, and hold our way straight into the town. Night's sheltering shadow flutters dark around us.

Isto inda mais os espicaça. Qual vorazes / lobos, que, cegos pela fome insuportável, / na cerração noturna a presa caçam, / deixando as crias, esfaimadas goelas, / à espera nos covis; assim rompemos / por entre as setas inimigas, na certeza / de rumar para a morte, atravessando / todo o centro de Troia, sob a sombra / envolvente das asas da atra noite.