Translation of "Title" in Japanese

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Examples of using "Title" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

- What is the title of the book?
- What's the title of that book?
- What's the title of the book?


He got a shameful title.


- What is the title of the book?
- What's the title of the book?


The new title has good connotations.


He still holds the heavyweight title.


He bears the title of Sir.


What's the title of that book?


The English title is "Norwegian Wood".

英語の題名は「Norwegian Wood」と言います。

He has no title to this land.


The title of this play is "Othello".


I failed to recall the song's title.


- I failed to recall the song's title.
- I wasn't able to remember the title of that song.
- I couldn't remember the title of that song.
- No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't remember that song's title.


And the title saying: "More than a Legend."

「伝説を超えて」と表題が 書かれていました

The title was abolished  during the French Revolution,  


The novel takes its title from the Bible.


I couldn't remember the title of that song.


Soon you will see why I chose this title.

何故かということは だんだんわかってくると思うんですけども

Napoleon rewarded Suchet with the title Duke of Albufera.


And was rewarded with the title Duke of Elchingen.


The title Prince of Wagram  was added to his honours.

Prince ofWagramというタイトルが彼の栄誉に追加されました。

Nevertheless, he was rewarded with  the title ‘Prince of Pontecorvo’.


The boxer had to lose weight for the title match.


His official title is Director-General of the Environment Agency.


I wasn't able to remember the title of that song.


A big title does not necessarily mean a high position.


Promotion to Marshal and the title  Duke of Bellumo swiftly followed.


His official title at the company is Assistant to the President.


She sang a song, the title of which I did not know.


He mentioned a book the title of which I can't remember now.


No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't remember that song's title.


By the one per cent children like him is the title: 'human being.'

与えられる「人間」という勲章だと 思います

The title was abolished during the French Revolution, as incompatible with the egalitarian

精神と 相容れないものとして、フランス革命の間に廃止されました

In addition, Macdonald received the title Duke of Taranto and a large pension.


Successful conclusion of the siege, Napoleon  awarded Lefebvre the title Duke of Danzig.

後 、ナポレオンはルフェーブルにダンツィヒ公爵の称号を授与しました。

As heroes. A grateful Napoleon bestowed  on him a new title, Prince of Eggmühl.


Ney was rewarded with the title Prince of the Moskva, and continued to serve throughout

ネイはモスクヴァの王子の称号を授与され、 1813年

Masséna, already ennobled as the Duke of Rivoli, received a new title, Prince of Essling;


Inspired all around him. He later received an  additional reward – the title Duke of Reggio.

彼の周りにインスピレーションを与え た男 。彼は後に追加の報酬を受け取りました–タイトルデュークオブレッジョ。

But that title went to Napoleon’s brother Joseph;  Murat, instead, received the throne of Naples.


In France, the title of Marshal, or Maréchal,  goes back at least to the 13th century.


In France, the title of Marshal, or Maréchal, goes back at least to the 13th century.


- He is a poet worthy of the name.
- He is a poet worthy of the title.


Rom Whitaker is a herpetologist, but he has a more intriguing title: The Snake Man of India.

爬虫類学者の ウィトカーには― “インドのヘビ男”の 異名があります

To Berthier. He’d later also receive the title  Prince of the Empire, and rank of Grand Admiral.

次ぐ年功序列でし た。彼は後に帝国の王子の称号と大提督の階数も授与されました。

It depends on the person, but using "sir" for women (a title of honour for men) is very rude.


- Nobles do not exist merely because there is a peerage system. Even if there were no peerage system, there will be people who are naturally dominant and who will quickly rise to nobility. So much for our nobility then. Why, we are mere peasants.
- It's not because you have a title, that you're a noble. There are people who have a natural nobility and are fine nobles. People like us who only have nobility titles are not nobles, we're more like peasants.
