Translation of "Layla" in German

0.008 sec.

Examples of using "Layla" in a sentence and their german translations:

- Layla was yelling.
- Layla was screaming.

Layla schrie.

- Layla looks fantastic.
- Layla looks amazing.

Layla sieht fantastisch aus.

Layla panicked.

Layla brach in Panik aus.

Layla coughed.

Layla hustete.

- Layla returned home.
- Layla went back home.

Layla kehrte nach Hause zurück.

Layla looked perfect.

Layla sah perfekt aus.

Layla was shot.

Layla wurde erschossen.

Layla was stunned.

Layla war verblüfft.

Layla was yelling.

Layla schrie.

Layla got caught.

Layla wurde erwischt.

Layla worked hard.

Layla hat angestrengt gearbeitet.

Layla seemed sleepy.

Layla wirkte schläfrig.

Layla loved horses.

Layla liebte Pferde.

Layla returned home.

Layla kehrte nach Hause zurück.

Layla committed suicide.

Layla beging Selbstmord.

Layla drank heavily.

Layla war eine starke Trinkerin.

Layla was bleeding.

Layla blutete.

Layla was desperate.

Layla war verzweifelt.

Layla looked closer.

Layla sah näher hin.

Layla kept driving.

Layla fuhr weiter.

Layla was trapped.

Layla war gefangen.

Layla kept swimming.

Layla schwamm weiter.

Layla felt scared.

Layla hatte Angst.

Layla dressed well.

Layla war gut angezogen.

Layla looked good.

Layla sah gut aus.

Layla went missing.

Layla ist verloren gegangen.

Layla will survive.

Layla wird überleben.

Layla couldn't breathe.

Layla bekam keine Luft.

Layla was suffocating.

Layla war dabei zu ersticken.

Layla was dying.

Layla war am Sterben.

Layla was worried.

Layla war besorgt.

Layla fought back.

Layla wehrte sich.

Layla started yelling.

Layla begann zu schreien.

Layla came in.

Layla kam rein.

Layla is back.

- Layla ist wieder da.
- Layla ist zurück.

Layla didn't scream.

Layla schrie nicht.

Layla was wounded.

Layla wurde verletzt.

Layla blacked out.

Layla wurde ohnmächtig.

Layla is smart.

Layla ist klug.

Layla remained skeptical.

Layla blieb skeptisch.

Layla received help.

Layla bekam Hilfe.

Layla was captured.

Layla wurde gefangen genommen.

Layla isn't crazy.

Layla ist nicht verrückt.

Layla moved away.

Layla ist weggezogen.

Layla started crying.

Layla fing an zu weinen.

Layla was praying.

Layla betete.

Layla went outside.

Layla ging hinaus.

Layla was acquitted.

Layla wurde freigesprochen.

Layla turned white.

Layla wurde weiß.

Layla got arrested.

Layla wurde verhaftet.

Layla was thirsty.

Layla war durstig.

Layla kept moving.

Layla hat sich weiterbewegt.

Layla got angry.

Layla wurde wütend.

Sami confronted Layla.

Sami trat Layla gegenüber.

Sami knows Layla.

Sami kennt Layla.

Sami remembers Layla.

Sami erinnert Layla.

Sami visited Layla.

Sami besuchte Layla.

Sami fired Layla.

Sami hat Layla gefeuert.

Layla likes girls.

Layla mag Mädchen.

Sami hugged Layla.

Sami umarmte Layla.

Mary married Layla.

Maria heiratete Layla.

Layla was stoned.

Layla war bekifft.

Layla is Palestinian.

Layla ist Palästinenserin.

Layla has been murdered.

Layla wurde ermordet.

Layla knew too much.

Layla wusste zu viel.

Layla was found guilty.

Layla wurde für schuldig befunden.

Layla opened the door.

Layla öffnete die Tür.

Layla went back downstairs.

Layla ging zurück, die Treppe hinunter.

Layla drinks a lot.

Layla trinkt viel.

Layla decided to stay.

Layla hat sich entschieden zu bleiben.

Layla loves her partner.

Layla liebt ihren Partner.

Layla saved my life.

Layla hat mir das Leben gerettet.

Layla just kept swimming.

Layla schwamm einfach weiter.

Layla locked the door.

Layla schloss die Tür ab.

Layla was really impressed.

Layla war wirklich beeindruckt.

Layla prayed for forgiveness.

Layla betete um Vergebung.

Layla had a son.

Layla hat einen Sohn bekommen.

Layla worked long hours.

Layla hat Überstunden gemacht.

Layla can do it.

Layla kann es machen.

I'm Layla, Sami's wife.

Ich bin Leila, die Ehefrau von Sami.

Layla was buried alive.

Layla wurde bei lebendigem Leibe begraben.

Layla didn't come back.

Layla kehrte nicht zurück.

Layla is coming back.

Layla kommt zurück.

Layla can't do this.

Layla schafft das nicht.

Layla couldn't resist flirting.

Layla konnte nicht widerstehen zu flirten.

Layla saved our lives.

Layla hat uns das Leben gerettet.

Layla cried for help.

Layla rief um Hilfe.

Layla robbed a bank.

Layla hat eine Bank ausgeraubt.

Layla didn't come home.

Layla kam nicht nach Hause.

Layla saw something horrifying.

Layla sah etwas Schreckliches.

Layla wanted to leave.

Layla wollte gehen.

Layla honked the horn.

Layla hupte.

Shut your mouth, Layla.

Halt deinen Mund, Layla!

Layla didn't remember anything.

Layla erinnerte sich an nichts.

Layla left the house.

Layla hat das Haus verlassen.

Layla felt very lonely.

Layla fühlte sich sehr einsam.

Layla called her friend.

Layla rief ihren Freund an.

Layla loves you all.

Layla liebt euch alle.

Sami brought Layla here.

Sami hat Layla hier hergebracht.