Translation of "Chuck" in German

0.006 sec.

Examples of using "Chuck" in a sentence and their german translations:

Chuck is insolent.

Chuck ist unverschämt.

How's it going, Chuck?

Wie geht es dir, Chuck?

Chuck me the ball.

Schmeiß mir den Ball her!

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Wie viel Holz würde ein Murmeltier hacken, wenn ein Murmeltier Holz hacken könnte?

- Chuck me the ball.
- Throw me the ball.

Schmeiß mir den Ball her!

Chuck Norris has already met Columbo's wife, Robin Masters and Tom.

Chuck Norris hat sich schon mit Columbos Frau, Robin Masters und Tom getroffen.

Chuck Norris can win a game of Connect Four in three moves.

Chuck Norris kann eine Partie "Vier Gewinnt" in drei Zügen gewinnen.

- The thread's gone on this screw. Throw it away.
- The thread's gone on this screw. Chuck it away.
- The thread's gone on this screw. Bin it.

Die Schraube hat ein ewiges Gewinde. Wirf sie weg!

- "When did you buy this minced meat?" "The day before yesterday." "It looks as though it's gone off. Throw it away." "But you should still be able to fry it."
- "When did you buy this minced meat?" "The day before yesterday." "Looks iffy. Chuck it." "But you should be able to use it in a fry-up."

„Wann hast du das Hackfleisch denn gekauft?“ – „Vorgestern.“ – „Es sieht gammelig aus. Wirf es weg!“ – „Aber zum Braten müsste man es doch noch verwenden können.“