Translation of "Contradicting" in French

0.003 sec.

Examples of using "Contradicting" in a sentence and their french translations:

- You're contradicting yourself.
- You're contradicting yourselves.

Vous vous contredisez.

You're contradicting yourself.

- Tu te contredis.
- Vous vous contredisez.

You're really contradicting yourself.

Vous vous contredisez vraiment.

Aren't you contradicting yourself?

- Tu n'es pas en train de te contredire ?
- N'êtes-vous pas en train de vous contredire ?

- I think that you're contradicting yourselves.
- I think you're contradicting yourselves.

Je pense que vous vous contredisez.

These are very contradicting representations

Ce sont des représentations très contradictoires

I think you're contradicting yourself.

Je pense que vous vous contredisez.

It seems contradicting that someone can name

Il semble contradictoire que quelqu'un puisse nommer

You get to hear different, even contradicting things.

vous entendez des choses différentes, voire contradictoires.

"The bad thing is the vaccinations" and so on. Everything is contradicting each other.

«La mauvaise chose, ce sont les vaccinations», etc. Tout cela se contredit.

- Why are you always contradicting me? Can't you accept once in a while that I just might be right?
- Why are you always contradicting me? You cannot accept from time to time that I may be right?

Pourquoi tu me contredis toujours? Tu ne peux pas accepter de temps en temps que j'ai peut-être raison?