Translation of "Schreeuwt" in English

0.017 sec.

Examples of using "Schreeuwt" in a sentence and their english translations:

- Je schreeuwt.
- Jij schreeuwt.

You're screaming.

Tom schreeuwt.

- Tom is yelling.
- Tom screams.

Ze schreeuwt.

She screams.

Sami schreeuwt.

Sami is screaming.

Maria schreeuwt.

Mary is screaming.

Hij schreeuwt veel.

He is screaming a lot.

Kentucky schreeuwt "fuck".

Kentucky screams "fuck".

Waarom schreeuwt iedereen?

Why is everybody shouting?

Wie schreeuwt er?

Who's yelling?

Ze schreeuwt om hulp.

it is crying out for help.

- Iedereen huilt.
- Iedereen schreeuwt.

Everyone cries.

- Sami schreeuwt.
- Sami gilt.

Sami is screaming.

- Waarom schreeuwt u?
- Waarom schreeuwen jullie?

Why are you yelling?

- Maria schreeuwt.
- Maria is aan het schreeuwen.

Mary is screaming.

- Waarom schreeuw je?
- Waarom schreeuwt u?
- Waarom schreeuwen jullie?

Why are you yelling?

En de andere helft schreeuwt naar haar omdat ze iets kwetsends heeft gezegd.

and the other half are yelling at her for saying something offensive.