Translation of "Monitor" in English

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Examples of using "Monitor" in a sentence and their english translations:

Mira al monitor.

Look at the screen.

Estar pegados a un monitor...

Staring at screens...

Die sehen Sachen auf dem Monitor.

die sehen Sachen auf dem Monitor.

Me cuesta leer las letras en el monitor.

It's hard for me, reading letters on the monitor.

Le amarran a la panza un monitor de contracciones,

contraction monitor strapped to her belly,

Puede ser un monitor, mi micrófono, la corbata o...

So it could be like the monitor, my microphone, my tie.

Ya hace tres años que soy monitor de esquí.

I've been a ski instructor for three years.

Tom estornudó sobre el monitor y teclado de Mary.

Tom sneezed all over Mary's monitor and keyboard.