Translation of "Anoche" in English

0.013 sec.

Examples of using "Anoche" in a sentence and their english translations:

- Vomité anoche.
- Guacareé anoche.
- Largué el chivo anoche.
- Buitreé anoche.
- Llamé a Hugo anoche.
- Arrojé anoche.
- Basqueé anoche.
- Eché la raba anoche.
- Trasboqué anoche.
- Me fui de grifo anoche.
- Chonquié anoche.
- Invoqué a Gutiérrez anoche.
- Amarré el zope anoche.
- Eché el buitre anoche.
- Eché la pota anoche.

- Last night I puked.
- Last night I threw up.
- Last night I barfed.
- Last night I lost my cookies.
- Last night I woofed my cookies.
- Last night I blew chunks.
- Last night I hurled.
- Last night I ralphed.
- Last night I tossed my cookies.
- Last night I lost my lunch.
- Last night I prayed to the porcelain god.
- Last night I chundered.

- Vomité anoche.
- Buitreé anoche.

- Last night I puked.
- Last night I threw up.

- Anoche estudié.
- Anoche trabajé.

I studied last night.

- ¿Adónde dormiste anoche?
- ¿Dónde dormiste anoche?
- ¿Dónde dormisteis anoche?

Where did you sleep last night?

- ¿Me telefoneaste anoche?
- ¿Me llamaste anoche?
- ¿Tú me llamaste anoche?

- Did you call me up last night?
- Did you call me last night?

- Anoche soñé contigo.
- Soñé contigo anoche.

- Last night, I dreamed about you.
- I dreamed about you last night.

- ¿Me telefoneaste anoche?
- ¿Me llamaste anoche?

- Did you call me up last night?
- Did you call me last night?

¿Saliste anoche?

Did you go out last night?

Heló anoche.

It frosted last night.

Llovió anoche.

It rained last night.

Llegué anoche.

I arrived last night.

Anoche llovió.

It rained yesterday evening.

¿Salió anoche?

Did you go out last night?

Anoche heló.

- It was below freezing last night.
- It was below zero last night.

Vomité anoche.

- Last night I puked.
- Last night I threw up.

Anoche vomité.

Last night I chundered.

- Anoche vino aquí.
- Él llegó aquí anoche.

He arrived here last night.

- ¿Dónde cenaron ustedes anoche?
- ¿Dónde comiste anoche?

Where did you eat last night?

- ¿Qué tal anoche?
- ¿Cómo fue la cosa anoche?
- ¿Os fue bien anoche?

How did it go last night?

- Lamento lo de anoche.
- Siento lo de anoche.

I'm sorry about last night.

- ¿Viste la televisión anoche?
- ¿Anoche viste la televisión?

Did you watch TV last night?

- Anoche estaba muy cansado.
- Anoche estaba muy cansada.

I was very tired last night.

- Hice algo estúpido anoche.
- Anoche hice algo estúpido.

I did a stupid thing last night.

- Tom tuvo fiebre anoche.
- Anoche Tom tuvo fiebre.

Tom had a fever last night.

No dormí, anoche.

I didn't sleep at all last night,

Anoche hizo calor.

It was hot last night.

Anoche comí curry.

- I had curry and rice last night.
- I ate curry rice last night.

Anoche comí demasiado.

I ate too much last night.

¿Dormiste bien anoche?

- Did you have a good sleep last night?
- Did you sleep well last night?

Anoche dormí bien.

I had a good sleep last night.

Ellos partieron anoche.

They set out last night.

¿Qué pasó anoche?

What happened last night?

Anoche nevó mucho.

- It snowed a good deal last night.
- Last night, it snowed a lot.
- It snowed a lot last night.

Anoche bebí cerveza.

I drank beer last night.

Soñé contigo anoche.

I dreamed about you last night.

Estaba lloviendo anoche.

It was raining last night.

Te extrañamos anoche.

We missed you last night.

Anoche soñé contigo.

I had a dream about you last night.

No soñé anoche.

I didn't dream last night.

Lo visitamos anoche.

We called on him last night.

Anoche comimos demasiado.

We ate way too much last night.

¿Te divertiste anoche?

Did you have fun last night?

Anoche vi algo.

Last night, I saw something.

Hice té anoche.

I made tea last night.

¿Anoche dormiste mucho?

- Did you sleep much last night?
- Did you sleep a lot last night?

¿Me telefoneaste anoche?

- Did you call me up last night?
- Did you call me last night?

¿Qué cenaste anoche?

- What did you have for supper last night?
- What did you eat for dinner last night?

¿Dónde dormiste anoche?

Where did you sleep last night?

Anoche llovió mucho.

We had a heavy rain last night.

Anoche llegué tarde.

Last night I arrived late.

Llegué aquí anoche.

I arrived here last night.

Anoche bebí demasiado.

I had too much to drink last night.

Ken estudió anoche.

Ken studied English last night.

¿Me llamaste anoche?

- Did you call me up last night?
- Did you call me last night?

¿Cuánto dormiste anoche?

How long did you sleep last night?

¿Anoche escuchaste música?

Did you listen to music last night?

Llovió fuerte anoche.

It rained hard last night.

¿Comiste algo anoche?

Did you eat something last night?

No cené anoche.

I didn't eat dinner last night.

Cenamos pescado anoche.

We had fish for supper last night.

No dormí anoche.

I didn't sleep last night.

Anoche estaba trabajando.

She was working last night.

Lo vi anoche.

I saw it last night.

¿Juanita rezó anoche?

Did Jane pray last night?

¿Estabas cansada anoche?

Were you tired last night?