Translation of "¿dije" in English

0.011 sec.

Examples of using "¿dije" in a sentence and their english translations:

¡Dije lo que dije!

I said what I said!

- Dije que alto.
- Dije que pararas.
- Dije que te detuvieras.

I said stop.

- ¡Yo lo dije!
- ¡Yo la dije!

I said it!

- Eso dije yo.
- Yo dije eso.

- I said so.
- I said that.

Detente, dije.

Stop, I say.

Dije "¡Alto!"

I said "Stop!"

No dije ronda, dije que aceptamos ronda

I did not say round, I said we accept round

- ¡Te lo dije!
- Yo te lo dije.

- I told you so!
- I told you so.

- Olvida que dije eso.
- Olvide que dije eso.
- Olviden que dije eso.

Forget I said that.

- Hacelo como te dije.
- Haz como te dije.
- Hazlo como te dije.

- Do as I told you.
- Do as I tell you.
- Do as I told you to do.

- Lo dije charlando.
- No lo dije en serio.

I meant it as a joke.

Lo que dije denante lo dije en serio.

I meant what I said before.

- Dije que estaba cansado.
- Dije que estaba cansada.

I said I was tired.

- Le dije que viniera.
- Le dije que venga.

I told him to come.

Dije eso, pero no lo dije en serio.

I did say that, but I didn't mean it.

- Dije una verdadera insensatez.
- Dije algo muy insensato.

I said a very foolish thing.

- Haz como te dije.
- Hazlo como te dije.

- Do as I told you.
- Do it the way I told you to.

"¿Qué?" dije yo

I said "What?

Y dije, "Sí.

And I said, "Yeah.

Y me dije:

And I said to myself,

Y le dije,

And I told him,

Dije: "Escucha, extraña,

I said, "Listen, stranger,

Entonces le dije:

So I said:

¿Dije algo gracioso?

Did I say something funny?

¿Yo dije eso?

- Was it me who said that?
- Did I say that?

Yo dije eso.

I said that.

¡Te lo dije!

I told you so!

¡Yo lo dije!

I said it!

Nunca dije eso.

- I never said that.
- I've never said that.

No dije nada.

- I didn't say anything.
- I said nothing.
- I didn't say a thing.

No dije eso.

I didn't say that.

¿Dije algo malo?

- Have I said something wrong?
- Is it something I said?

Nunca dije nada.

I never said anything.

Yo dije gracias.

I said thanks.

¡Yo dije levántate!

I said get up!

Yo dije: "¡Toma!"

I said take it.

Dije la verdad.

I told the truth.

No dije esto.

I didn't say this.

¿Qué te dije?

What did I tell you?

Dije: "¡ya basta!"

I said, "that's enough!"

Dije que perdón.

I said I'm sorry.

¡Nunca dije eso!

- I've never said that!
- I never said that!

Buenos días, dije.

"Hello," I said.

Dije que adiós.

I said goodbye.

Te lo dije.

I told you.

- ¡Te dije que te calles!
- ¡Dije cierra la boca!

- I said shut up!
- I said shut up.

- Dije que podía ir.
- Dije que tú podías ir.

I said you could go.

- Le dije que parara.
- Le dije que se detuviera.

- I told him to stop.
- I told her to stop.

- Le dije que tenía que parar.
- Le dije que parara.
- Le dije que se detuviera.

I told him to stop.

- Dije que era posible que lloviera.
- Dije que podría llover.

I said it might rain.

- Le dije que se quedara.
- Le dije que se quedase.

I told him to stay.

- Yo dije que yo estaba confundido.
- Dije que estaba desorientado.

I said that I was confused.

- ¡Nunca dije eso!
- ¡Yo no dije eso en ningún momento!

- I've never said that!
- I never said that!

- Te dije que era idiota.
- Te dije que era estúpido.

I told you it was stupid.

- Eso no es lo que dije.
- Eso no fue lo que yo dije.
- Yo no dije eso.

That's not what I said.

Pero yo, cuando dije

In my case, when I used

Yo dije "¿Alquilas chimpancés?"

I said, "You rent chimpanzees?"

Entonces, como dije antes,

So, like I said earlier on,

Le dije esto mismo:

I told him, this med student, what I tell you today,

Dije: pueden hacerlo solos.

I said, "You can do this."

Le dije: puedes solucionarlo.

I said, "You can fix this."

Sé que dije 'eliminar'.

I'm aware I said eliminating.

Yo dije, "Lo sé,

I said, "I know that,

Dije, "¡Sí! ¡Eso es!"

I said, "Yes, exactly!"

Pero recalculé y dije:

but then I thought again:

Le dije: "Tienes razón".

I said, "You're right."

Dije: "Quiero construirlo aquí".

I said, "I want to build it right here."

¿saben qué les dije?

you know what I told them?

"Me matarán", le dije.

"They will kill me," I said.

Dije: "Estoy aquí, Mark".

I said, "I'm here, Mark."

Lo dije de broma.

I said so by way of a joke.

¿Cuándo dije una mentira?

When have I told a lie?

Haz como te dije.

Do as I told you.

¡Te dije que no!

I told you no!

No te dije nada.

I didn't tell you anything.